[news.groups] New mailing list: MC68HC11

mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us (Nick Sayer) (05/30/91)

There is a new mailing list for talk about the new Motorola
MC68HC11 microcontroller, and the MC68HC11EVB evaluation
board currently being sold at a sacrafice price to university

To submit, send to mc68hc11@quack.sac.ca.us. To request
subscription or removal, send mail to mc68hc11-request@quack.sac.ca.us.

This mailing list is a simple reflector. What comes in goes out.

Nick Sayer              | Think of me as a recombinant    | RIP: Mel Blanc
mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us | Simpson: Homer's looks, Lisa's  |   1908-1989
N6QQQ                   | brains, Bart's manners, and     |  May he never
209-952-5347 (Telebit)  | Maggie's appetite for TV.  --Me |  be silenced.