[comp.sys.intel] 8086/186 Unix Development Tools

lab@cci632.UUCP (Leonard A. Bauer) (05/27/88)

I am in charge of a search for some cross development tools for the iAPX 86/186
microprocessor.  I am bound by the following constraints by my company:

         1:  Unix O.S. -- 4.3 Berkeley

         2:  Vax 11/780

         3:  Target System is the 80188 CPU.

   Part of our Application is written in C and the rest in assembler ( a 60/40
split -- assembler / C ).  I need to use the LARGE memory model.  The routine 
that kicks off the program is assembler which then calls C code.  I need output
of the link and locate to be standard Intel Hex Format.

  Unfortunately, PC's are not an alternative (mgmt's decision, not mine!), so
please don't beat me up over this.

  Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

Lenny Bauer

  Lenny Bauer				lab@ccird2.UUCP
  Computer Consoles Inc.			
  97 Humboldt Street			"Badges? Badges? We don't need no
  Rochester N.Y. 14609			 stinking badges."

rick@pcrat.UUCP (Rick Richardson) (05/29/88)

In article <11099@cci632.UUCP> lab@ccird2.UUCP (Leonard A. Bauer) writes:
>I am in charge of a search for some cross development tools for the iAPX 86/186
>microprocessor.  I am bound by the following constraints by my company:
>         1:  Unix O.S. -- 4.3 Berkeley
>         2:  Vax 11/780
>         3:  Target System is the 80188 CPU.
>   Part of our Application is written in C and the rest in assembler ( a 60/40
>split -- assembler / C ).  I need to use the LARGE memory model.  The routine 
>that kicks off the program is assembler which then calls C code.  I need output
>of the link and locate to be standard Intel Hex Format.

One of my clients is getting the Oasys port of the Microsoft C compiler,
assembler, and linker for their VAX 8700 and UNIX SVR3.  Oasys
may or may not already have a port for the VAX and 4.3BSD.  It's big bucks
for a license, and bigger bucks if you are the first to want a port.  Call
it five digits.

These are supposedly the Microsoft 5.0 tools, just rebuilt for a different
host.  Oasys also can provide a port of PharLap's LinkLoc, which allows
you more control over the linking and locating process, and a number
of output file options, including HEX, and Intel I2ICE.

This is probably the best approach in theory, since these are the
identical tools that are available on PC's, thus you can use either
your VAX or your PC as the development environment (BTW, if you
have a large program and/or many people working on this project, then
I believe your management has made the correct decision).

Now, the bad news.  My client has been waiting three months for the
port to be completed.  It seems that the Microsoft 4.0 tools were
already ported and could be used nearly immediately, but that the
5.0 tools hadn't really been ported yet.  My client was (is) the
quinea pig.

As far as I know, Oasys does nothing more than port the Microsoft
code to the UNIX environment.  There are no bugs fixes or features
added that don't already exist in what Microsoft sends them.  Which
is both a blessing and a curse.  I don't have Oasys' number handy,
but you can get it from information.  They're in Waltham, MA.
		Rick Richardson, President, PC Research, Inc.

(201) 542-3734 (voice, nights)   OR     (201) 834-1378 (voice, days)
uunet!pcrat!rick (UUCP)			rick%pcrat.uucp@uunet.uu.net (INTERNET)