[comp.sys.intel] Problems with Exabyte on Intel IPSC/2

flur@duke.gatech.edu (Peter W. Flur) (08/21/90)

We have a 16-node IPSC/2 with an Exabyte installed under /cfs.  We have 
experienced two separate problems with the drive.  First, a minor problem
where trying to star/tar a non-cfs directory can only be done when the 
cwd is under /cfs.  For example, if I want to tar /usr/bin to tape, then
(cd /usr/bin;tar -cvf /cfs/tape .) will not work, but 
(cd /cfs;tar -cvf /usr/bin) will.  This is true when the directories being
dumped are on the SRM or NFS mounted.

The other problem is that when I do cd to /cfs and try to back up large
partitions with tar, the tar program kicks out and says: too many open

Can anyone offer any advice?

		    Peter Flur, Research Engineer
		   Georgia Institute of Technology
      School of Electrical Engineering, Atlanta, GA  30332-0250
		  E-MAIL: flur@duke.eecom.gatech.edu
			PHONE: (404) 853-9355