djl@tropix.UUCP (08/02/84)
Recently we purchased a vax 750 for the express purpose of running lens design application programs. The one that is currently getting the most use is a VMS binary for which we cannot get source. As a result the people running on the vax are using Eunice. For those of us who use a real operating system (unix) on a daily basis VMS/Eunice is getting to be a pain in the rear. What I would like to know is if anyone has sucessfully written a unix program to simulate VMS system calls, similar to what my understanding of compat does for the chess binary? If I can find such a program then I can get permission easily to convert the vax over to unix. Licensing shouldn't be a problem as we have source licenses for: system III, system V, system V R. 2, 4.1, 4.2, V7 (pdp-11), 2.8, and various other tapes. Feel free to mail me any responses, I would be glad update anyone else who would like to know. I can also post any responses back to the net at a later date. Douglas J Leavitt {allegra, ihnp4, masscomp, ritcv}!tropix!djl