dlumby@axion.bt.co.uk (Dave Lumby) (01/22/91)
We've just taken on a support project for which we have to set-up a build environment for a number of products written in Intel 8085 assembler. We have several Intel `Blue Box' Micro-processor Development Systems (MDSs) on which the products were originally developed and supported. Intel will only provide h/w and s/w support for these MDSs for the next four years and we are commited to providing support for the procucts for at least the next 9 years. I'm looking for Unix, PC, VMS (in fact anything) based assembler, linker and locater compatible with the Intel 8085 assembler source format. If anyone has any details of such tools I would be very grateful to receive the details. Thanks in advance Dave Dave Lumby | RT3151, British Telecom Research Labs, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 7RE, UK | +44 473 642613 | dlumby@axion.bt.co.uk "I don't mind valid criticism as long as it doesn't come from other people"
wilker@descartes.math.purdue.edu (Clarence Wilkerson) (01/23/91)
I think some one in the States markets a software emulator that mimics the Intel environment, and will run your existing software, although most likely on different media. There are quite a few z80-8080 emulators about, but few for this market niche. Clarence Wilkerson