[comp.unix.xenix] Xenix 2.00 loader

jon@oddhack.Caltech.Edu (Jon Leech) (11/15/86)

	I am compiling a long-model program under PC/AT Xenix 2.00.
Compilation proceeds ok, but when linking I get the obscure message
	/bin/ld: Invalid object module
	Input File: special.o(special.c) pos: fba Record type: 9c

	and ld then exits with status -112 (as reported by make)

	The object module appears normal; no compilation errors were
generated and 'size' and 'nm' both work on it. Can anyone explain
what these error messages mean?

    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group

hatcher@ingres.Berkeley.EDU (Andy Hatcher) (11/15/86)

The usual cause of loader errors with large model when linking multiple
modules is simply that one or more of the ".o" modules and/or libraries
was not compiled large model. Everything must have been compiled large
model or the loader gets confused. Too bad it doesn't tell you what the
problem was. But that's Microsoft for you.

news@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Usenet netnews) (11/16/86)

Organization : California Institute of Technology
From: jon@oddhack.Caltech.Edu (Jon Leech)
Path: oddhack!jon

In article <995@zen.BERKELEY.EDU> hatcher@ingres.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Doug Merritt) writes:
>The usual cause of loader errors with large model when linking multiple
>modules is simply that one or more of the ".o" modules and/or libraries
>was not compiled large model. 

	That's not the cause in this case. The ld error occurs linking in
either small or large model.

    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group