[comp.unix.xenix] Upgrade A

ericg@sco.UUCP (Eric Griswold) (07/25/87)

In article <36@citcom.UUCP> peter@citcom.UUCP (Peter Klosky) writes:
>Here is my query:
>What has changed from 2.1.3 to 2.2.1 in the SCO product?  

Lots.  Let me summarize the major points:

   . European considerations.  We added a utility called "mapchan" as well
     as increased the sio data path size to 8 bits.  This is primarily
     to allow for alternate character sets for other European languages.
     Mapchan allows the implementation of such things as dead and compose
     keys for input, and non-ascii stuff for output.  Its primary use
     is for developing multilingual applications.
   . Unusual disk support (company nomenclature calls it "nonstandard").
     This is simply at installation time, one can specify the geometry
     of their hard disk rather than rely on the random favor of the disk
     type in ROM.

   . The ability to reconfigure the kernel without the assistence of the
     C compiler.  There is a utility called "configure" in the link kit
     which allows addition of drivers or effective tinkering of the xenixconf
     and master files without having to recompile c.c.

   . An ioctl to the screen driver to map it into user memory to access
     the bitmap.

   . A better badtrack utility

   . Full control of the boot procedure: including when to come up multiuser
     automatically plus the option to use COM1 as the console port.

   . Increasing of the per-process open file limit from the classic 20
     to 60 (extremely useful for database apps).

   . A distribution that we don't have to write on-- thus distribution
     disks don't go bad as often.

   . A ramdisk device driver.

   . Support for various tape drives, including irwins.

   . Shell layers: the system V pseudo answer to job control
   . Dozen and dozens of bug fixes, plus random bells and whistles.

   . A number of improved front ends for system administration and
     general utilities.

>know what they changed?  In specific, did the file format change
>enough so that programs compiled with an old inode layout or
>readdir call will not work?  Was I the only person to buy Micom

   SCO management is real hot on backwards compatibility.  The file
   format is still the same.

   Unfortunately, with all the kernel changes, we did break a large
   number of drivers.  If your driver is well-behaved (i.e. only
   using documented calls, chances are high that it still works), if
   it isn't it is not likely that it still works.

>Peter Klosky, Citcom Systems (materiel de telecommunications)
>seismo!vrdxhq!baskin!citcom!peter (703) 689-2800 x 235

Eric Griswold   
Quote:  3 more of these will make a gallon
Path: {decvax!microsoft, ihnp4, ucbvax!ucscc}!sco!ericg
Disclaimer: It's all my fault, SCO had NOTHING to do with it.