[comp.unix.xenix] MicroEMACS macros for Xenix

davidsen@steinmetz.steinmetz.UUCP (William E. Davidsen Jr) (07/31/87)

After getting function keys working with MicroEMACS in Xenix, I started
writing macros to perform various functions. The most notible was
"filter-region", to allow passing a small part of a file through a
filter (such as rot13 ;-), scrolling a half window at a time, deleting
to end of file, and closing a file (window, buffer, and all).

If you are running any version 3.8x the following may be added to
input.c after the meta has been recognized and the next character read
(getcmd procedure):
>>	        /* code for ANSI keystrokes */
>>	        if (c == '[')
>>	        { /* get an extended escape sequence */
>>	        	c = get1key();
>>			return (SPEC | c);
>>		}

---------------- Xenix .emacsrc file ----------------

;  MicroEMACS startup file for Xenix
;  Bill Davidsen - Jul 30 1987

;  ---------------- initialization
set $debug "FALSE"
set $discmd "FALSE"

;  ---------------- bindings 
;; arrow keys

bind-to-key	next-line		FNB	; CsrDn
bind-to-key	previous-line		FNA	; CsrUp
bind-to-key	forward-character	FNC	; CsrRt
bind-to-key	backward-character	FND	; CsrLf

;; keypad

bind-to-key	beginning-of-file	FNH	; Home
bind-to-key	end-of-file		FNF	; End
bind-to-key	next-page		FNG	: PgDn
bind-to-key	previous-page		FNI	; PgUp

;; function keys

bind-to-key	next-buffer		FNN	; F2
bind-to-key	previous-word		FNO	; F3
bind-to-key	next-word		FNP	; F4
bind-to-key	beginning-of-line	FNQ	; F5
bind-to-key	end-of-line		FNR	; F6
bind-to-key	execute-macro		FNV	; F10
bind-to-key	previous-paragraph	FNa	; Shift-F3
bind-to-key	next-paragraph		FNb	; Shift-F4

; ---------------- defined macros and bindings

;; filter-region

1	store-macro
; read the command first, before disabling display
	set %cmd @"Filter command: "
; Set the options wanted
;	set $debug "TRUE"
	set $discmd "FALSE"
; extract the original region
	2 split-current-window
; create a new buffer and put the region in it
	select-buffer "[temp]"
; execute the command
	filter-buffer %cmd
; pick up the entire file
; mark the buffer clean, delete and remove it
	delete-buffer "[temp]"
; put the new data back
; reset the options
	set $discmd "TRUE"
	set $debug "FALSE"

bind-to-key	execute-macro-1		FNM	; F1

;; kill to end of buffer

2	store-macro
	set $discmd "FALSE"
	set $discmd "TRUE"

bind-to-key	execute-macro-2		FNZ	; Shift-F2

;; delete line

3	store-macro
	1 kill-to-end-of-line

bind-to-key	execute-macro-3		FNY	; Shift-F1

;; enhanced next-line-and-indent

4	store-macro

bind-to-key	execute-macro-4		FNL	; Ins

;; close window

5	store-macro
	set %cwindow $cbufname

	; if several windows, just close this one,
	; otherwise pull the next buffer into this window

	set %dispsize &sub $pagelen 2
	!if &less $wline %dispsize
		!force next-buffer

	; if status was bad there is no next buffer

	!if $status
		; this is just a place holder
		write-message "[ can't delete last buffer ]"

	; attempt to close the buffer - will ask if changes

	!force delete-buffer %cwindow
	!if $status
		write-message &cat "closed buffer " %cwindow
		select-buffer %cwindow
		write-message &cat "[ " &cat %cwindow " not deleted ]"

bind-to-key	execute-macro-5		FNd	; Shift-F6

;; forward half window

6	store-macro
	set %hl &div $wline 2
	!if &less %hl 2
		set %hl 2
	%hl move-window-down

bind-to-key	execute-macro-6		FNT	; F8

;; back half window

7	store-macro
	set %hl &div $wline 2
	!if &less %hl 2
		set %hl 2
	%hl move-window-up

bind-to-key	execute-macro-7		FNS	; F8

;; make-current-top

9	store-macro
	1 redraw-display

bind-to-key	execute-macro-9		M-,	; ESC-,

;; make-current-last

8	store-macro
	$wline redraw-display

bind-to-key	execute-macro-8		M-.	; Esc-.

; ---------------- wrapup
set $discmd "TRUE"

	bill davidsen		(wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
  {chinet | philabs | sesimo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me