root@ozdaltx.UUCP (root) (10/05/87)
I have a Tandy DMP 130 printer attached to my "AT Clone" running SCO XENIX. When using the parallel port via a standard cable the printer is taken off line when the cable is attached. I can place a piece of tape over the pins and the thing will work! See diagram. I can't tell what pins these are and can't find a reference to a this type connector. FEMALE PARALLEL CONNECTOR ON PRINTER ---------------------------------------------- \ - - - - - - - - .... top row \ - - - - - - - - .... bottom row \ ^ ^ \_____________________________________ .... But what is happening? The printer seems to run at about 1/2 speed like it's buffer is having to fill up before it spits anything out. I figure it has to be the cabling VS TANDY "standard" . Am I going to be forced to go plunk down $40 for a TANDY printer cable or is there a simpler answer??? I don't have a spare serial port so thats out and the printer DOES work when attached to my 6000. Thanks in advance... -- ============================================================ | Scotty | Adapt - Enjoy - Survive | | ihnp4!killer!ozdaltx!sysop | "Ad Venerem Securiorem" | ============================================================