[comp.unix.xenix] Using internal modem with Microport

andy2@bentley.UUCP (A Shajenko) (10/16/87)

I'm running Microport release 2.2.0 on a 286 clone with an internal
Everex 920 modem (300/1200 baud). I am trying to setup this system
for remote access via incoming phone line. Back last spring, I managed
to get this to work marginally under 1.3.8 - it answered about 50%
of the time. Now with 2.2.0, the system refuses to answer altogether.

I have tried setting the modem to answer mode by writing to the line,
but to no avail. After reading the Microport manuals, I see that getty
will not open the line until CD has been detected and that closing the
line re-inits the modem (back to originate mode). Has anyone else run
accross this and perhaps have a solution?

Any sugestions as to what to put in the gettydefs and inittab files
would be most helpful.

Andy Shajenko

This subject may have been discussed here before - my apologies.