[comp.unix.xenix] uport mailing list #36

microp@b-tech.UUCP (Microport mailing list) (11/19/87)

Subject: Microp mailing list #36 (19-NOV-87)

This message is being mailed to you as part of a mailing list.

This list is targeted towards technical discussions of Microport's Sys 
V/AT Unix for the IBM PC-AT.  It not officially related to Microport 
Systems Inc.  

Any input you have should be sent to: 


To be added to this list, contact one of the following sites (not this
site please):

uunet!scubed!sdcsvax!amos.ling.LOCAL!sdeggo!dave (southern CA area)
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From: umix!gateway.mitre.org!louden
Subject: Re:  Microp mailing list #35 (22-Oct-87)

People on the ARPANET/MILNET can be added to the list by sending
a request to 'uport-request@gateway.mitre.org'.
From: Beihl <umix!mcc.com!bell.cad.mcc.com!beihl>
Subject: Past mailing lists

Does anyone have the Microport mailing lists
#1-5 and #10 they could send me? I just joined
the list and would like to see what people have
been talking about.

My system is a CompuAdd standard 286, 8 Mhz with
a 28ms 42Mb Miniscribe and 2Megs of RAM.
I've been able to install the system and the 2.2L
upgrade without any major disasters (my biggest
problem being forgetting to remove the write-protect
tab on my boot floppy).  The virtual consoles
certainly come in handy when switching back and forth
between the editor and the shell.  I've managed to
port hack (alias rogue) for any game players out there.

Is there a list anywhere of PD software available for
Sys V/AT?

gary beihl  (beihl@bell.cad.mcc.com)


Subject: Problem with CPIO
From: umix!rutgers!husc6!panda!genrad!mrst!sdti!mjy (Michael J. Young)

I typically do my file system backups with cpio rather than volcopy.
However, I've noticed that cpio seems to have a problem if more than
16 diskettes are required.  Here's the scenario:

The first 16 diskettes are filled with no problems.

After the 17th diskettes is filled, I get the normal "Can't write output"
message.  However, before I can type in the new device name, I get the
message "That didn't work...".  It then lets me type in the device name,
and continues.

After the 18th diskette fills up, the same "That didn't work" message
comes up, then the second "If you want to go on...", but then cpio
terminates.  Unfortunately, I still have about 5 or 6 diskettes worth of
stuff left to copy.

The actual command line to do the backup is:
	find . -depth -print | cpio -ocv >/dev/rdsk/0s24

Any one else have a similar problem?  Or am I doing something stupid?
Mike Young - Software Development Technologies, Inc., Sudbury MA 01776
UUCP     : {decvax,harvard,linus,mit-eddie}!necntc!necis!mrst!sdti!mjy
Internet : mjy%sdti.uucp@harvard.harvard.edu      Tel: +1 617 443 5779
"What would you do with a brain if you had one?" -- Dorothy, Wiz of Oz

[ed: I've written a utility called fdback that prompts for the floppy
     by number and saves retyping the device name all the time.  Send
     me mail if you want a copy.  Perhaps you just have some bad disks?]
From: b-tech!m-net!dtlewis
Subject: help utility

I have modified (extensively) a copy of the Gnuhelp VMS-like 
help program to run under System V. 

Please pass it along if you think it is of general use (I hope
nobody has already done this!).  Any comments and criticisms would
be appreciated.


Dave Lewis

[ed: please contact Dave for the source]