[comp.unix.xenix] SCO XENIX comm problems

terry@fortytwo.UUCP (Terry Carlin) (03/30/88)

I am involved in a port of some communications software from unix v5.2 to 
SCO xenix-286.  When I run the program connected to a hays modem 
at 1200 baud the software drops some characters which arrive in bursts. 

The program forks then exec's a very small program which reads tty1A and sends
the data through a named pipe to the main program.  We have played around with
setting VMIN and VTIME to various values.  We have tried using read(),
fread() and fgetc() with small amounts of luck but still drop some characters.

We have UUCP running on same machine at 1200 baud with no problems.

Any one out there have any suggestions, help etc.


Terry Carlin	UUCP: ihnp4!think!fortytwo!terry
My desk is a wilderness of Free Associations