[comp.unix.xenix] Need info on the ALTOS 386

peter@aucs.UUCP (Peter Steele) (06/17/88)

A company here bought a multi-user Unix system called the ALTOS 386. 
As the name implies, it is based on the 80386. They were told by the
dealer that sold them the system that they would be able to run MS-DOS
applications on it--not right now, but "soon". Is anyone familiar with
the ALTOS 386 and in particular its ability (or inability) to run MS-DOS
applications?  Thanks in advance.

Peter Steele, Microcomputer Applications Analyst
Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121
UUCP: {uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}dalcs!aucs!Peter
BITNET: Peter@Acadia  Internet: Peter%Acadia.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU

oliver@cup.portal.com (06/19/88)

I am a Alots certified tech for the 386/1000 running Unix....
(not that I am proud of it or anything....)

There are no products for the 386/1000 nor have I heard of any that will
allow the Altos to run MS-Dos programs..
SCO has Vp/ix that will run a dos shell so you can run MS/dos programs...
But it requires 386 Xenix to run ...not UNIX....
I think the sales man was trying to gain brownie points..

)) (06/24/88)

In article <6656@cup.portal.com> oliver@cup.portal.com writes:
>I am a Alots certified tech for the 386/1000 running Unix....
>(not that I am proud of it or anything....)
>There are no products for the 386/1000 nor have I heard of any that will
>allow the Altos to run MS-Dos programs..
>SCO has Vp/ix that will run a dos shell so you can run MS/dos programs...
>But it requires 386 Xenix to run ...not UNIX....
>I think the sales man was trying to gain brownie points..

Um, 386/IX (UNIX SVR3) supports VP/IX.  (That's what it was originally
implemented on!)  So probably will Microport and Bell Tech UNIX.
If AT&T's version of UNIX doesn't, it will soon.

And, at least Microport will run DOSmerge (the 'other DOS emulation).  

Unless Altos has done wierd things to their hardware, virtually any of 
these versions of UNIX will run on it.

Even IBM has jumped onto the DOS under UNIX bandwagon (they've licensed
both VP/IX and DOSmerge)
Chris Lewis, Spectrix Microsystems Inc, Phone: (416)-474-1955
UUCP: {uunet!mnetor, utcsri!utzoo, lsuc, yunexus}!spectrix!clewis
Moderator of the Ferret Mailing List (ferret-list,ferret-request@spectrix)