[comp.unix.xenix] Patch #5 to Pcomm v1.1 posted

hood@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (10/17/88)

This is just a note to announce that I've posted patch #5 to Pcomm v1.1
in comp.sources.bugs.

One of the things it "fixes" is the warning message from the compiler
about "different levels of indirection".

This fix should negate the need for the ingenious but convoluted solutions
that have been posted here to get these warning messages to stop.

Emmet P. Gray				US Army, HQ III Corps & Fort Hood
...!uunet!uiucuxc!fthood!egray		Attn: AFZF-DE-ENV
					Directorate of Engineering & Housing
					Environmental Management Office
					Fort Hood, TX 76544-5057