[comp.unix.xenix] CALL FOR VOTES - comp.bbs.xbbs

root@chief.UUCP (Lance Ellinghouse) (10/28/88)

I'm calling for votes, either YES or NO, for a new news group called

This group would discuss different areas concerning one of the fastest growing 
*nix BBSes around. Also the source and revisions will be posted here to make
it easy for people to keep current with XBBS. Also utilities that people write
for it will be made available for it here. 

I have had a LOT of people asking for XBBS and asking questions about it. Most
of the questions are repeats and by having this group people will be able
to find out what other people are doing with it and discuss things that they
would like to see done with it.

There has been some problems with the feed the I get (his feed has been down fo
for a week) so I have extended the date for the vote to end from Nov 20, 1988
to Nov 28, 1988.

If you have any comments please post them here so that we can discuss them!!

If you wish to vote (either YES or NO), please send all votes to:

UUCP: ...!decvax!hermix!chief!lance

ARPA: ucla-an!hermix!chief!lance@ee.UCLA.EDU

or the From: address above!  Remember all votes MUST be in by NOV 28, 1988.

Lance Ellinghouse
Chief Numismatics, Inc.
AT&T: Voice: +1 818 884 9141
BBS : CompuInvest BBS 24 hours 1200-8-N-1 (818) 884-7821 [XBBS Ver 7.2.4]

pete@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Peter Franks) (11/04/88)

In article <417@chief.UUCP> root@chief.UUCP (Lance Ellinghouse) writes:
>I'm calling for votes, either YES or NO, for a new news group called
>  comp.bbs.xbbs
>This group would discuss different areas concerning one of the fastest growing 
>*nix BBSes around. Also the source and revisions will be posted here to make
>it easy for people to keep current with XBBS. Also utilities that people write
>for it will be made available for it here. 
> [. . .]

I think it's rather selfish to name a group after a single bbs if its intent
is to have discussions of ALL unix BBSes.  How about 'comp.unix.bbs' for the
main discussions and subgroups (if necessary) for specific discussions and
source/update/utilities, etc.

I do agree, though, that something like this is needed.  I don't like to
wade through alt.bbs and find nothing about unix boards.

	No matter how obnoxious it gets, you CANNOT execute a device!

root@chief.UUCP (Lance Ellinghouse) (11/04/88)

This is a call for votes and ideas for a new news group - comp.bbs.xbbs

This news group would be for the discussion relating to the XBBS bbs
software. Also the distribution of utilities, updates, source code,
and ideas.  

Please mail all votes to one of the address below. They must reach me by
Nov 27, 1988 to be counted. Please send all YES and NO votes.

Thank you for your ideas,

Lance Ellinghouse
UUCP: ...!decvax!hermix!chief!lance

ARPA: ucla-an!hermix!chief!lance@ee.UCLA.EDU

jack@turnkey.TCC.COM (Jack F. Vogel) (11/05/88)

In article <417@chief.UUCP> root@chief.UUCP (Lance Ellinghouse) writes:
>I'm calling for votes, either YES or NO, for a new news group called
>  comp.bbs.xbbs
>This group would discuss different areas concerning one of the fastest growing 
>*nix BBSes around. Also the source and revisions will be posted here to make
>it easy for people to keep current with XBBS. Also utilities that people write
>for it will be made available for it here. 
OH NO, another XBBS devotee run amuk :-} !!!

Seriously Lance, there is something called net procedure in doing things like
proposing new groups; you will find such information in news.announce.newusers.
Your behavior suggests you need to read it. Please note this is not some put-
down of XBBS ( afterall note that sandy posts off of my system :-} ), but
trying to ram something past accepted protocol won't help your 'cause' either.

Jack F. Vogel
Turnkey Computer Consultants, Costa Mesa, CA
UUCP: ...{nosc|uunet}!turnkey!jack 
Internet: jack@turnkey.TCC.COM

russ@uokmax.UUCP (Russ "Random" Smith) (11/11/88)

[In <420@chief.UUCP>, root@chief.UUCP said:]
->This is a call for votes and ideas for a new news group - comp.bbs.xbbs
Has there been discussion on this?  Hmmmmmmmmm.

->This news group would be for the discussion relating to the XBBS bbs
->software. Also the distribution of utilities, updates, source code,
->and ideas.  
->Please mail all votes to one of the address below. They must reach me by
->Nov 27, 1988 to be counted. Please send all YES and NO votes.
I might point out at this time that there was absolutely NO interest to speak
of six months ago for comp.bbs ... mind you, that was before rob and I sent
out alt.bbs, which has a pretty fair amount of traffic.

Therefore, perhaps we should _discuss_ the possibility of comp.bbs in
general.  Personally, I haven't seen many posts about xbbs, so I don't see
how you could justify a newsgroup for it.

->Thank you for your ideas,
->Lance Ellinghouse

                                  "I can't understand why a person will
                                  take a year or two to write a novel
                                  when he can easily buy one for a few
                                  dollars." -- Fred Allen

                                  Random J Nightfall
                                  Avatar of Chaos
Russ 'Random' Smith
!texsun!uokmax!russ __________________________________ .  .        .-----------
GEnie :  R.SMITH101 |If Reagan is the answer, it must| |  |        `---.
Oklahoma University |have been a VERY silly question.| `--'LTIMATUM----'OFTWARE

root@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US (Mark J. Bailey) (11/12/88)

I like what one poster suggested (and Sandy of xbbs, too), that we create
a group called comp.unix.bbs or comp.unix.conferencing as it would easily
cover xbbs as well as all the other equally nice packages available.  Like
Sandy said, XBBS is ideal from some, but some other package may be for you.
How about DISCUSSIONS on this?


Mark J. Bailey                                    "Y'all com bak naw, ya hear!"
USMAIL: 511 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37129 ___________________________
VOICE:  +1 615 893 4450 / +1 615 896 4153          |         JobSoft
UUCP:   ...!{ames,mit-eddie}!killer!mjbtn!mjb      | Design & Development Co.
DOMAIN: mjb@mjbtn.MFEE.US.TN                       |  Murfreesboro, TN  USA

jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) (11/13/88)

In article <358@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US> root@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US (Mark J. Bailey) writes:
>I like what one poster suggested (and Sandy of xbbs, too), that we create
>a group called comp.unix.bbs or comp.unix.conferencing as it would easily
>cover xbbs as well as all the other equally nice packages available.  Like
>Sandy said, XBBS is ideal from some, but some other package may be for you.
>How about DISCUSSIONS on this?

I'll point this out again.  Comp.unix.bbs is redundant with alt.bbs.  Alt
groups are not somehow second class.  Feeds are available, and widely so.

Anyone wanting an alt.bbs feed [ your nickel ] may contact me at this
address.  And while I'm at it, I now have time for an entire alt feed,
having just stopped feeding rec.all someplace else.
John F. Haugh II                        +----Make believe quote of the week----
VoiceNet: (214) 250-3311   Data: -6272  | Nancy Reagan on Artifical Trish:
InterNet: jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US       |      "Just say `No, Honey'"
UucpNet : <backbone>!killer!rpp386!jfh  +--------------------------------------

jim@eda.com (Jim Budler) (11/15/88)

In article <8592@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US> jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) writes:
>In article <358@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US> root@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US (Mark J. Bailey) writes:
>>I like what one poster suggested (and Sandy of xbbs, too), that we create
>>a group called comp.unix.bbs or comp.unix.conferencing as it would easily
>I'll point this out again.  Comp.unix.bbs is redundant with alt.bbs.  Alt
>groups are not somehow second class.  Feeds are available, and widely so.

Point it out as many times as you like it's still wrong. Alt is not
the same as the regular hierarchy. And redundency between them
is irrelevent. Alt. stands for Alternate. It doesn't stand for additional,
or complementary.

>Anyone wanting an alt.bbs feed [ your nickel ] may contact me at this

You got it right. It's my nickel.


uucp:     {decwrl,uunet}!eda!jim        Jim Budler
internet: jim@eda.com                   EDA Systems, Inc.

manes@marob.MASA.COM (Steve Manes) (11/18/88)

I like comp.bbs but there's already an alt.bbs.  Nevertheless, as a BBS
developer (MAGPIE) I'll vote for anything with "bbs" in the title.
Steve Manes		Roxy Recorders, Inc.		Magpie-HQ BBS
UUCP : {rutgers|cmcl2}!hombre!magpie!manes		(212)420-0527
Smail: manes@MASA.COM

jep@fantasci.UUCP (Joseph E Poplawski) (11/19/88)

In article <358@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US> root@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US (Mark J. Bailey) writes:
>I like what one poster suggested (and Sandy of xbbs, too), that we create
>a group called comp.unix.bbs or comp.unix.conferencing as it would easily
>cover xbbs as well as all the other equally nice packages available.  Like
>Sandy said, XBBS is ideal from some, but some other package may be for you.
>How about DISCUSSIONS on this?

I would like to some discussion on this also.  If a general group is started,
such as comp.unix.conferencing, then we could discuss all the various packages,
and if someone such as me who is planning on putting up XBBS very soon needs
some support and guidance, I could ask in our group instead of finding someone
to ask via mail.

Maybe if this idea gets knocked away, someone could start mailing lists that
will specialize for the individual packages?


|  Joseph E Poplawski  (Jo)                   US Mail:  1621 Jackson Street   |
|                                                       Cinnaminson NJ 08077  |
|  UUCP:..!rutgers!rochester!moscom!telesci!fantasci!jep                      |
|       ..!princeton!telesci!fantasci!jep                                     |
|       ..!pyrnj!telesci!fantasci!jep           Phone:  +1 609 786-8099 home  |
|                     He who dies with the most toys wins!                    |
|         Copyright (C) 1988  Joseph E Poplawski  All rights reserved.        |

gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn ) (11/20/88)

Please edit the Newsgroups to exclude comp.lang.c, as this has nothing
to do with C.  Thanks.