(Jon Hogan-doran) (01/07/89)
We have been using the Wangtek 60mb tape driver in a number of our practices and have had absolutely no trouble at all with the ... We have had no difficulty with them , either in inst{llling them in 286 or 386 - owall azV are working fine ... Our standard configuration from them is : Type 3 (W) DMA 1 IRQ 5 (interrupt) DMA ADDRSS 0338H This is the standard configuration for a wangtek on our 386 Wyses ... The interrupts , DMA , IRQ are easily configured using the jumpers on the board which state clearly "IRQ" "DRQ" "DACK" (i thing "DRQ" was "DMA") on the switched we had : 1-7 down 8-10 up (or vice-versa) this was borad (???) 13080 (i'm not sure of the other. On another removing jumpers 9 and 5 make it a base adress of 0220H or 0200H (i'm not sure which) .... Hope this helps someone , but I repeat the 60mb runs absoultely fine on a 386 Wyse , and has been for almost a year now on one of them ... see ya .... [JON] hogan - Doran --- Zeta * Origin: Zeta: Unix, Minix, Xenix support (02) 627-4177 (3:713/602)