[comp.unix.xenix] inodes running out

dan@hrc.UUCP (Dan Troxel) (02/01/89)

I am installing a news connection on a SCO Xenix 2.3 386 system, and we
are running out of inodes continually. I have set aside more than 60000 inodes
for the spool disk, and we still run out. I have much less on a Unix 5.3 box.
Any suggestions???
Dan Troxel @ Handwriting Research Corporation                  WK 1-602-957-8870
Camelback Corporate Center  2821 E. Camelback Road  Suite 600  Phoenix, AZ 85016
ncar!noao!asuvax!hrc!dan                                  hrc!dan@asuvax.asu.edu

jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) (02/01/89)

In article <197720@hrc.UUCP> dan@hrc.UUCP (Dan Troxel) writes:
>I am installing a news connection on a SCO Xenix 2.3 386 system, and we
>are running out of inodes continually. I have set aside more than 60000 inodes
>for the spool disk, and we still run out. I have much less on a Unix 5.3 box.

Try doing an fsck -rr /dev/root.  You might be losing the inodes somewhere.


Jonathan Bayer			      Beware: The light at the end of the
Intelligent Software Products, Inc.	      tunnel may be an oncoming dragon
19 Virginia Ave.				...uunet!ispi!jbayer
Rockville Centre, NY 11570  (516) 766-2867    jbayer@ispi

tif@cpe.UUCP (02/02/89)

Written 12:04 pm  Jan 31, 1989 by hrc.UUCP!dan in cpe:comp.unix.xenix
>I am installing a news connection on a SCO Xenix 2.3 386 system, and we
>are running out of inodes continually.

Sounds like you could make a separate file system for comp and one for rec
and one for all others.

disclaimer: I know 0 about news.

			Paul Chamberlain
			Computer Product Engineering, Tandy Corp.
			{killer | texbell}!cpe!tif

scf@statware.UUCP (Steve Fullerton) (02/03/89)

>In article <197720@hrc.UUCP> dan@hrc.UUCP (Dan Troxel) writes:
>I am installing a news connection on a SCO Xenix 2.3 386 system, and we
>are running out of inodes continually. I have set aside more than 60000 inodes
>for the spool disk, and we still run out. I have much less on a Unix 5.3 box.

Make sure that you running out of inodes on the disk, not the kernel.  It
is real easy to get a system message "no more inodes" (or something like
that) when the kernel is out of inodes.  If this is the case, up the size
of NINODE and build another kernel.  I used to get this when running VP/ix
and having TCP/IP running at the same time.

Steve Fullerton                        Statware, Inc.
scf%statware.uucp@cs.orst.edu          260 SW Madison Ave, Suite 109
orstcs!statware!scf                    Corvallis, OR  97333

fischer@netmbx.UUCP (Axel Fischer) (02/03/89)

In article <197720@hrc.UUCP> dan@hrc.UUCP (Dan Troxel) writes:
>I am installing a news connection on a SCO Xenix 2.3 386 system, and we
>are running out of inodes continually. I have set aside more than 60000 inodes
>for the spool disk, and we still run out. I have much less on a Unix 5.3 box.
>Any suggestions???
How about running expire more often ?? :-)


Domain:        fischer@netmbx.UUCP
Europe:        ...!tmpmbx!netmbx!fischer
Rest of world: ...!uunet!pyramid!tmpmbx!netmbx!fischer
=====> Beam me up, Scotty - there is no intelligent life down here ! <=====