[comp.unix.xenix] UniPATH SNA-3270

compata@cup.portal.com (Dave H Close) (05/14/89)

I'm looking for anyone with experience using SCO's UniPATH SNA-3270
product.  Especially, either with a large number (~32) concurrent host
sessions, or with the programming interface.  Please email any comments.

I am considering using this product as a protocol converter between a network
of ASCII terminals and a host.  For politial reasons, it is necessary to
keep the correspondence between the ASCII terminals and the host sessions
in sync.  Therefore I need all 32 sessions.  

Note that I am not referring to a network of ASCII _PCs_, but ASCII _terminals_
Therefore, none of the DOS-based LAN products are suitable although several
claim to support up to 32 sessions (one claims 64).  If they published
programming interface specifications, maybe I could reconsider.  But as of
now, it appears that UniPATH is the only available choice.

Thanks for your help.
Dave Close
compata@cup.portal.com -- sun!portal!cup.portal.com!compata