[comp.unix.xenix] bug in version 7.42 of xbbs

sandy@conexch.UUCP (Sandford Zelkovitz) (05/25/89)

I am sorry to report a bug in my own code; however it does exist! In version
7.42, in the file bbsc2.c, please change line 182 from:
               if(len > 72) {


                if(len >= 72) {

This BUG is apparent whenever a line is blocked <right justified> and then
reblocked. The code will just hang indefinately.

The above fix is all that is necessary.

Sanford Zelkovitz   XBBS    714-898-8634    19.2K/9600/2400/1200
....!uunet!zardoz!alphacm!sandy        ....!att!hermix!alphacm!sandy
....!trwrb!ucla-an!alphacm!sandy       ....!ucbvax!ucivax!alphacm!sandy