[comp.unix.xenix] I need pointers to a big i386 UNIX box

nak@cbnews.ATT.COM (Neil A. Kirby) (05/26/89)

	I need pointers to systems comparable to the AT&T PC6386E cpu 76.
    What I'm looking for would have:

	300 MB disk space

	UNIX SysV/386

	16-20 MHz i386 (20 preferred, more if can be found)

	16 MB RAM

	Slots for video and a mouse and such.  (Things like the ram board,
	disk controllers, possible tape drive, floppies... the regular must
	have stuff)

	Lots-o-slots: It will have to have four or five slots open.  They
	would be filled with 8 port intelligent ports cards.  That's 32-40
	ports.  The machine needs to be fast enough to deal with the

	A stable vendor.  AT&T, Compaq, Big Blue (IBM) would be fine.
	Smaller vendors might be a problem unless there are numerous such
	small vendors.  No reasonable vendor refused.

	Tower case.  Suggested mainly for the larger slot capacity, it
	would also look better with 40 serial lines than a desk top model.

	Price:  Not a big issue.  This box would be in place of a $15-60K
	mini. A $7-10K price would be quite reasonable.  Less would be

	Please email me the replies.  If desired, I can post a summary.

	Neil Kirby