[comp.unix.xenix] Help with SCO xenix i386, Mountain Tape Drive

name@caen.engin.umich.edu (Margaret Kirschner) (07/08/89)

Hello there!  I need some help, dealing with SCO Xenix.  I would like to
know exactly how to configure a Mountain Tape Drive for use with this Xenix.
The specifics are:  using tape port #8, and putting it in streaming mode.
I've looked around the manuals and have no idea exactly how to use this.  I
tried to 'mkdev tape', but it doesn't create the proper device (/dev/rct0,
if I'm not mistaken) and gives an error when I attempt to backup or restor.
Please help, I'd like to get this resolved ASAP.  Post replies here or 
send them to directly to me!