[comp.unix.xenix] rn & Xenix/286

bob@rel.mi.org (Bob Leffler) (07/11/89)

Has anyone been sucessfull in compiling rn 4.3 patchlevel 40 under Xenix/286
version 2.2.1?

I seem to be running into a compiler error (infinite spill) that happens at
line 50 in rcln.c.

Since rn has been out for quite awhile, I assumed that somebody must have
developed xenix patches for rn by now.

Bob Leffler - Electronic Data Systems, Financial Information Services Division
3044 West Grand Blvd., Room 11-101, Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 556-4474
bob@rel.mi.org or {uunet!edsews, rutgers, sharkey}!rel!bob
Opinions expressed may not be those of my employer.