[comp.unix.xenix] GNUmake and Xenix/286

glenn@extro.ucc.su.oz (G. Geers [ext 3241]) (07/17/89)

I have succeded in getting GNUmake (3.48) up under Xenix/286 (2.1.3 DS). I am
curious if anyone else has succeded in getting a large model version to work.
(It compiles and runs small model but there is not enough memory available
for it to really do anything).
There is one remaining piece of strangeness with the large model version:
It requires that debugging be turned on in one or the routines in rule.c and
worse, only in a couple of places. Has anybody got it to go more smoothly
than this ?? Oh, I hacked DEBUGP2 so that it does printf(" \b") i.e. it
writes nothing to the screen. It seems to  *need* the printf - anyone know why ?

Glenn Geers
Dept. Theoretical Physics
Uni. of Sydney
N.S.W. 2006 Australia
