[comp.unix.xenix] Low priced Xenix source

jimb@athertn.Atherton.COM (Jim Burke) (07/17/89)

I had several people ask me for the source I had for SCO Xenix.  Some of
the mail paths have bounced so I am posting a general response.

First of all, this company is an unknown to me.  I have their pricelist
and that is all.  I cannot recommend them since I have never done business
with them, the following is purely informational.

Their advertised price for SCO Xenix Operating System, Development System,
and Text Processing System is $995.95 with similar discounts for all the
addons like VP/ix etc.  The name of the company is TRC (Technology
Resource Center) and their phone numbers are: (800)433-4904 and (213)937-8822.
They are somewhere in southern California.  

This information is based on TRC's commercial ad from an unknown publication 
because all I have is a photocopy of the ad.  The information may be 
outdated by a couple of months.

Jim Burke        (408) 734-9822 (temp)  | I'll stop posting when they pry my 
jimb@Atherton.COM                       | cold, dead fingers from the smoking
{decwrl,sun,hpda,pyramid}!athertn!jimb  | keyboard.

jim@tiamat.fsc.com (Jim O'Connor) (07/18/89)

In article <6560@athertn.Atherton.COM>, jimb@athertn.Atherton.COM (Jim Burke) writes:
> Their advertised price for SCO Xenix Operating System, Development System,
> and Text Processing System is $995.95 with similar discounts for all the
> addons like VP/ix etc.  The name of the company is TRC (Technology
> Resource Center) and their phone numbers are: (800)433-4904 and (213)937-8822.
> They are somewhere in southern California.  

I have recently purchased the Xenix version of Word Perfect from this company
and they performed very well.  The correct product was delivered on time and the
invoice (yes, they took a company purchase order, but it adds a little to the
price - still a hefty discount though) was for the correct amount.

We have other products on order with them, and I'm looking forward to the same
quality service.

Their support people seemed very knowledgable and were suprisingly honest and
realistic about when products would be available and when they would be

They also have good prices on Bell Tech software and hardware products, and
some other generic hardware.

The only thing that would make them better is if they were on the net. :-)

James B. O'Connor			jim@tiamat.fsc.com
Filtration Sciences Corporation		615/821-4022 x. 651

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