nancy@resonex.UUCP (Nancy Blachman) (09/12/84)
I'm interested in collecting the little tricks, shell scripts, awk hacks, csh aliases, and such that people have built to make their daily life a little easier or more automatic. Being a fairly new system administrator I don't have the big toolbox that years of messing around will leave you with. If you have any hacks you're proud of (or that you aren't proud of, but which work anyway), and you're willing to make them public, mail them to me. I'll collect, collate, shuffle, sort, munge, judge, select and discard them and then "summarize to the net". Nancy Blachman {allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,sun}!resonex!nancy Resonex, Sunnyvale, CA (408)720 8600 x26 [Know anybody with a GREAT .login or .cshrc?]