[comp.unix.xenix] Tandy order number for the Adap

uhclem@trsvax.UUCP (08/16/89)

B>The current price of the controller is $349.00 (today) be aware that they
B>have released a new catalog (also today) and the price is up to $499.00.
B>So, if your planning to anyway, buy it now before they update the POS
B>price lists at the stores.

No need.  You are getting controller types mixed up.  Reading from the 1990
catalog:  The AT-style SCSI adapter (25-4161) costs $350 and
	  the Micro-Channel SCSI adapter (25-6060) costs $500.
(Okay, they actually cost 5 cents less.)

The change in price of the AT-style adapter (was $300) supposedly comes from
some new functionality that allows it to work with more 386-mode DOS
programs.  I cannot really see a reason for the increase since the board
design was also  cost-reduced.  (Perhaps it is selling well enough to be
sold at a higher margin.)  In any event, XENIX/UNIX systems should not
see any differences.

<My opinions, but I also have this catalog thing here and it says so.  Nayyah.>

					"Thank you, Uh Clem."
					Frank Durda IV @ <trsvax!uhclem>

neese@adaptex.UUCP (08/17/89)

>The change in price of the AT-style adapter (was $300) supposedly comes from
>some new functionality that allows it to work with more 386-mode DOS
>programs.  I cannot really see a reason for the increase since the board
>design was also  cost-reduced.  (Perhaps it is selling well enough to be
>sold at a higher margin.)  In any event, XENIX/UNIX systems should not
>see any differences.

Actually, the new boards do have a feature that is implemented in ISC UNIX.
It is scatter/gather.  The new cards can take a single request for memory that
is scattered all over the place.  This has proven to make an extreme difference
in the performance of the system.  Of course the requests have to be sequential
on the disk for this operation to work.

			Roy Neese
			Adaptec Central Field Applications Engineer
			UUCP @ {merch,texbell,killer}!cpe!adaptex!neese