[comp.unix.xenix] looking for grants/donations

root@ozdaltx.UUCP (root) (09/27/89)

Since we started the AIDS INFO EXCHANGE two years ago the
demand for time on the system has increased drasticaly.  I
find we need equipment and/or a grant in order to make
necessary system improvements.  We are not 501c yet, but are
working on it.  However, donations can be channeled through
another agency that is for tax purposes.

We need:  more storage either an additional HD or better
yet, a WORM drive,  2-2400 baud modems internal or external),
some sort of tape backup system,  cash as Ma Bell dosn't
give ANYTHING away. ;-)

Any help, leads or whatever will be most appreciated.  
We are running SCO XENIX 2.2.3 on an AT w/3.5 meg RAM.

Thanks in advance-

AIDS INFORMATION EXCHANGE BBS      (214) 247-2367/247-5609
               "Education is the best weapon"