[comp.unix.xenix] SCO 2 Harddisk controllers

mark@promark.UUCP (Mark J. DeFilippis) (09/30/89)

I want to thank Dave Dillabough for his article, however I lost the last
two days news due to a blunder on my part in doing the installation.
It is nice that MSDOS looks at the drives as 1 and 2, and Xenix 0 and 1.
What disk you want to format? ...1.... ARGGGGGG!  Goodbye spool partition
and root system!  Now that I broadcast my stupidity, on with the problem:

I tried to get the two controllers working, and I did, somewhat.
The two controllers are a WD-1006-WAH and a WD-1006VMM1.  The 10006VMM1
is the one I am running int. 14, standard address, and works fine.
The WD-1006WAH is the one I did the mod on for int. 14, and address change
0x170.  On boot the second controller shows up at its proper address,
and mounts after it does a seekout.  The drives are all Miniscribe 6085
72 meg, 28 ms drives.  The problem occurs sporatically.  If I access the
drive it may/maynot be ready.  It does that seekout and then reads the data

Western Digitals Guru's said it may be the Miniscribe drive going to sleep
when it is not selected, and to change the jumpers to disable autopark.
The only jumber on the drive is drive select, and besides the heads are not
parking.  SCO says, hum.. sounds like a hardware problem, sorry.
According to WD, neither of the boards have ROM BIOS. They did say that the
older WD-1006 may be giving me trouble, but all this info is pretty sketchy.

I ordered an Adaptec ACB2310 whih allows jumper controlled interrupt and
address modifications to replace the 1006-WAH in an attempt to rectify the
problem, but I am just stabbing in the dark.

Any help out there, please?

Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530                   (516) 663-1170
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
                                 markd@adelphi.UUCP  or  mark@promark.UUCP
                      UUCP:      ...philabs!sbcs!bnlux0!adelphi!markd

jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) (10/01/89)

mark@promark.UUCP (Mark J. DeFilippis) writes:

>I tried to get the two controllers working, and I did, somewhat.
>The two controllers are a WD-1006-WAH and a WD-1006VMM1.  The 10006VMM1
>is the one I am running int. 14, standard address, and works fine.
>The WD-1006WAH is the one I did the mod on for int. 14, and address change

>0x170.  On boot the second controller shows up at its proper address,

>Western Digitals Guru's said it may be the Miniscribe drive going to sleep
>when it is not selected, and to change the jumpers to disable autopark.
>The only jumber on the drive is drive select, and besides the heads are not

>I ordered an Adaptec ACB2310 whih allows jumper controlled interrupt and
>address modifications to replace the 1006-WAH in an attempt to rectify the
>problem, but I am just stabbing in the dark.

I did essentially the same thing, although I modified a 1006V-MM1 for the 
alternate interrupt and address.  I tried it with a Seagate 4051 (40 meg drive)
and had the identical problem.  I think that there is something in the
controller card (my guess only) that may be dying.  I did notice that
when the system died the drive hooked up to the second card was
permenantly selected (I had the drive led on the computer hooked up to
the second controller card, and it went on and stayed on.)  My feeling
is that this seemed to occur during periods of heavy io.

If the Adaptec card works could you let me know?

Jonathan Bayer		Intelligent Software Products, Inc.
(201) 245-5922		500 Oakwood Ave.
jbayer@ispi.COM		Roselle Park, NJ   07204    

jdeitch@jadpc.cts.com (Jim Deitch) (10/02/89)

I know this may be a repeat question but,
 Can I use two disk controllers under SCO 2.2.1?  (286)



UUCP: {nosc ucsd hplabs!hp-sdd}!crash!jadpc!jdeitch
ARPA: crash!jadpc!jdeitch@nosc.mil
INET: jdeitch@jadpc.cts.com

karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) (10/03/89)

(lockup problems)

In article <1176@ispi.UUCP> jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) writes:
>I did essentially the same thing, although I modified a 1006V-MM1 for the 
>alternate interrupt and address.  I tried it with a Seagate 4051 (40 meg drive)
>and had the identical problem.  I think that there is something in the
>controller card (my guess only) that may be dying.  I did notice that
>when the system died the drive hooked up to the second card was
>permenantly selected (I had the drive led on the computer hooked up to
>the second controller card, and it went on and stayed on.)  My feeling
>is that this seemed to occur during periods of heavy io.
>If the Adaptec card works could you let me know?

If you have a Feature 5 level card, make sure you have it jumpered for
NON-LATCHED mode.  If not, you need to do yet another mod.

The F5 cards WILL lock up like this if you have them running in latched
mode.  We went back to a Feature 3 card, and the problem disappeared.  I
haven't thoroughly checked the F5 card with the jumper installed, but it
_appeared_ to solve the problem.

Yes, it is a controller glitch.

Karl Denninger (karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM, <well-connected>!ddsw1!karl)
Public Access Data Line: [+1 312 566-8911], Voice: [+1 312 566-8910]
Macro Computer Solutions, Inc.		"Quality Solutions at a Fair Price"

mark@promark.UUCP (Mark J. DeFilippis) (10/04/89)

In article <1989Oct2.222253.25134@ddsw1.MCS.COM>, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) writes:
> The F5 cards WILL lock up like this if you have them running in latched
> mode.  We went back to a Feature 3 card, and the problem disappeared.  I
> haven't thoroughly checked the F5 card with the jumper installed, but it
> _appeared_ to solve the problem.
> Yes, it is a controller glitch.

The configuration I tried was a WD1006V-MM1 3/4 card as the 1st card, and
a WD1006-WAH F001 card the second.  I assume the 1006V-MM1 is whatever the
current feature level of that board is.  In my previous articles I was not
sure of the feature level of the older 1006-WAH, now I am.
Both are set for Non-Latched operation.  Could the F001 be my problem?
Possibly a second WD1006V-MM1 woull be a solution?  Problem is all the WD and
Adaptec controllers don't have the card edges.  Does anyone know if any of
the following DTC cards can change the interrupt AND port address with a
jumber, of if the card edges are present.  (Of course I called DTC 4
times without a return phone call..., would I ask otherwise?)  I seem to
recall someone (I lost the article) mentioning they were using a DTC board.

DTC 5180 HD MFM 2:1
DTC 5280 HD/FD MFM 2:1
DTC 7180 HD MFM 1:1
Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530                   (516) 663-1170
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
                                 markd@adelphi.UUCP  or  mark@promark.UUCP
                      UUCP:      ...philabs!sbcs!bnlux0!adelphi!markd

jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) (10/07/89)

Karl Denninger posted:

>(lockup problems)
>In article <1176@ispi.UUCP> jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) writes:
>>I did essentially the same thing, although I modified a 1006V-MM1 for the 
>>alternate interrupt and address.  I tried it with a Seagate 4051 (40 meg drive)
>>and had the identical problem.  I think that there is something in the
>If you have a Feature 5 level card, make sure you have it jumpered for
>NON-LATCHED mode.  If not, you need to do yet another mod.
>The F5 cards WILL lock up like this if you have them running in latched
>mode.  We went back to a Feature 3 card, and the problem disappeared.  I

Problem solved.  It turns out to be a two-fold problem.  First, a bit of

	This is running on an Everex Step/25, with all the options
turned on to get the last bit of speed out of it.  This includes the bus
speed being at 12.5 Mhz.  Also, I am using a WD1006V-MM1 controller card
jumpered for the alternate address, and slightly modified to get the
alternate interrupt.

First I had to make the change as described above to put it into
NON-LATCHED mode.  I checked it out, and the problem was almost gone. 
This time it successfully passed all of my tests, except for doing a
thorough bad-track scan of the third drive, when it locked up :-(   I
was almost ready to give up in disgust, when I decided to try and slow
down the speed of the i/o buss from 12.5 Mhz to 8.33 Mhz.  Voila, it
passes all the tests now without locking up.  My guess is that in
addition to the controller glitch it also cannot handle buss speeds of
greater than 8-9 Mhz :-(

Anyway, I am not going to depend on this third drive for about a week of
use, just to make sure.  My thanks to Karl for his note about the
feature level/latched mode on the card.

Jonathan Bayer		Intelligent Software Products, Inc.
(201) 245-5922		500 Oakwood Ave.
jbayer@ispi.COM		Roselle Park, NJ   07204    

mark@promark.UUCP (Mark J. DeFilippis) (10/09/89)

> In article <1176@ispi.UUCP> jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) writes:
> >when the system died the drive hooked up to the second card was
> >permenantly selected (I had the drive led on the computer hooked up to
> >the second controller card, and it went on and stayed on.)  My feeling
> >is that this seemed to occur during periods of heavy io.
> >
> >If the Adaptec card works could you let me know?

I forgot to mention in my last posting, that when I said none of the
listed combinations worked, the problem manifested it self exactly as
Johnathan Bayer wrote in the above posting.  Since I tried some combinations
where the WD boards were left out, I wonder if it has to do with the
fact that they are MFM???

Can some people email me controller combinations thay are using, RLL, MFM,
and SCSI.  I will post a summary.  I know there are people running two
two controllers, but are there any at all running two MFM controllers?

Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530                   (516) 663-1170
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
                                 markd@adelphi.UUCP  or  mark@promark.UUCP
                      UUCP:      ...philabs!sbcs!bnlux0!adelphi!markd