[comp.unix.xenix] Need small version of Gnu-emacs

lewis@sybil.cs.Buffalo.EDU (Rob Lewis) (10/13/89)

Does anyone know where I can find a small version of 
gnu-emacs that I can use with my 386 running Xenix?

Rob Lewis
University at Buffalo		BITNET:    lewis@sunybcs.BITNET

jbayer@ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer) (10/13/89)

lewis@sybil.cs.Buffalo.EDU (Rob Lewis) writes:

>Does anyone know where I can find a small version of 
>gnu-emacs that I can use with my 386 running Xenix?

Use uEmacs 3.10.  It is a small version of emacs, but very fast.  It does
not use the same lisp language that gnu-emacs uses.

Jonathan Bayer		Intelligent Software Products, Inc.
(201) 245-5922		500 Oakwood Ave.
jbayer@ispi.COM		Roselle Park, NJ   07204