[comp.unix.xenix] SCO UNIX BUG!!!!!!!

usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (12/08/89)

From article <5708@cps3xx.UUCP>, by usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner):
> I have found the following SERIOUS bug in SCO UNIX System V/386 3.2.
> I don't know if anyone else has posted this yet and I have no idea how
> this product could have ever shipped without someone noticing it:
Open mouth, insert foot....

After curling up with the manuals, I've managed to discover that my
problem was that the lost messages were hung up in the mmdf spools.
Running '/usr/mmdf/bin/deliver -clocal' caused all the missing mail to

HOWEVER, when I attempt to place '/usr/mmdf/bin/deliver -b -clocal' in
the file /etc/rc.d/8/userdef, at boot I get:

deliver: can't setgid to mmdf (22)
core dumped

deliver is suid root, so what's the problem?

In the mean time I have deliver -clocal running from crontab, but I'd
prefer to have it run -b from rc.

j				|%|John Lawitzke, Dale Computer Corp., R&D
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Inquiring minds just wondering. |%|Internet: jhl@frith.egr.msu.edu