[comp.unix.xenix] the w command

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (12/05/89)

a quick question for you out in netland --

has anyone been able to use the 'w' command under SCO XENIX 2.3.2 (80286) ...
the only result i can get is "w: seek error".  according to SCO Tech Support,
it works.

any hints would be appreciated.

phil eschallier

rac@sherpa.uucp (Roger Cornelius) (12/09/89)

From article <3589@lgnp1.LS.COM>, by phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier):
> a quick question for you out in netland --
> has anyone been able to use the 'w' command under SCO XENIX 2.3.2 (80286) ...
> the only result i can get is "w: seek error".  according to SCO Tech Support,
> it works.

I reported this right after installing update R on the 286.  At that time
SCO support told me it was a known bug and had already been reported.  I
was supposedly put on a "list" to be mailed the fix when it was ready.
uptime -w gives the same error - uptime is just a link to w.

Talking to SCO lately has seemed like a game of Russian roulette.  The
lone bullet being a correct answer.  I've had similar problems with
the sales department also.  The answer you get seems to depend on who
happens to answer the phone that day (or maybe it's the phase of the
moon :-)).  Just call back a day later for a different answer.

Roger A. Cornelius           rac@sherpa            uunet!sherpa!rac