[comp.unix.xenix] Menu software... Here it is: "lush" version 1.34, part 1/2

shields@yunccn.UUCP (Paul Shields) (01/08/90)

This is the little menu shell program I bragged about in comp.unix.xenix
last thursday.  I hope you all didn't get false expectations about it. 

I took the time to generate a few example menu files and double-check to
make sure it still compiles on the Sun over at ISTS. 

Doubtless there are still problems with it.  But I'm always open to
constructive criticism.  So give it a try.

Paul Shields.

#--------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Save this into a file, edit it
# and delete all lines above this comment.  Then give this
# file to sh by executing the command "sh file".  The files
# will be extracted into the current directory owned by
# you with default permissions.
# The files contained herein are:
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       2051 Jan  8 03:03 HISTORY
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       3678 Jan  8 01:46 INSTALL
# -rw-r--r--   2 bin      staff       1706 Jan  8 02:10 Makefile
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1653 Jan  8 02:12 Makefile.BSD
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1659 Jan  8 02:14 Makefile.Sun
# -rw-r--r--   2 bin      staff       1706 Jan  8 02:10 Makefile.Xenix
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        940 Jan  8 01:23 PROBLEMS
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        983 Jan  7 19:35 README
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       3330 Jan  8 03:08 WARRANTY
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        711 Jan  7 19:50 login.sample
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        726 Jan  8 02:57 lush.doc
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        300 Jan  8 02:44 lushrc.sample
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        148 Jan  8 01:11 lushrc.test
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff      12973 Jan  8 02:42 menu.sample
# -rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1325 Jan  7 19:56 menu.test
echo 'x - HISTORY'
if test -f HISTORY; then echo 'shar: not overwriting HISTORY'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > HISTORY
Xlush Revision History
X    May ??. v0.00 (PAS) MS-DOS version.
X    Sep  6. v0.10 (PAS) Port to Xenix SysV.
X	Load config file from $LUSHRC;
X	security feature: strip user input: "<|>";
X	Case is now insensitive.
X    Nov ??. v0.20 (PAS) Alpha test phase begins.
X    Mar 11. v1.00 (PAS) Alpha version debugged and tested on 
X	SysV Xenix and MS-DOS. Beta phase begins.
X    Mar ??. v1.10 (PAS) Added simple termcap support.
X    Apr 15. v1.11 (PAS) debugged termcap support.
X    Apr 11. v1.20 (PAS) extended support to SunOs 3.5,
X	(BSD4.2 variant, non-ANSI C compiler.)
X    Apr 16, v1.21 (PAS) merged v1.11+1.20. 
X    May 11. v1.22 (PAS) corrected a problem in the Makefiles.
X    May 29. v1.23 (PAS) security fix: ignore SIGTSTP.
X    Jun 13. v1.30 (PAS) several valuable enhancements:
X	added "invisible" commands.
X	added switches on the command line: 
X	    lush -f rcfile -R rootmenu
X	Handle ~user
X	Enable setenv (function #12.)
X    Mar  1. v1.31 (PAS) added a primitive to quit to main menu.
X    Jan  5. v1.32 (PAS) security feature: strip ";&" from user input.
X    Jan  5. v1.32 (PAS) Generated documentation for the public release. 
X    Jan  7. v1.33 (PAS) Lots.
X	Added switches -M, -U, -G.  -f is now a synonym for -M.
X	Created the config.h file. 
X	Added global and local environment configuration files. This is
X	   to enable lush to run as the top level shell. These files are
X	   of the format VAR=string, and are placed into the environment
X	   before the menu file is loaded. 
X	Redefined the meaning of the LUSHRC environment variable. Now,
X	   it points to the user environment config file, whereas before it
X	   pointed to the menu file itself.  This radical change is
X	   justified to avoid confusion when the first public release is
X	   put out.
X	Broke mparse.c down into mfile.c, mlex.c, and mparse.c.  This is
X	   to facilitate letting other parts of the code use the lexical
X	   analyser. 
X	Added more documentation and sample files.
X    Jan  8. v1.34 (PAS) Froze the files for public release.
if test `wc -l < HISTORY` -ne 51; then
	echo 'shar: HISTORY was damaged during transit (should have been 51 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - INSTALL'
if test -f INSTALL; then echo 'shar: not overwriting INSTALL'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > INSTALL
XThis file gives instructions on how to set up lush.  It assumes you have
Xsystem manager privileges.
X. Choose the correct Makefile based on your system and compiler.  The
X  SysV and Xenix configutations should be the same.  You may want to
X  change BINDIR and LIBDIR in the Makefile. 
X. Type  make  to build the program.
X. Test that it is working, with the following command: 
X	./lush -M menu.test -G lushrc.test
X  This should place a test menu on the screen.  Try each option. 
X. Create and configure the files lushrc (the system config file) and
X  menu (the system menu file.) There are samples (lushrc.sample,
X  menu.sample) of each of these.  This is typically very site-specific. 
X  Documentation for the syntax of the menu file is included in
X  menu.sample.  The syntax of the lushrc file is apparent from the sample.
X. Type   make install   to place the binary in BINDIR and the config
X  files in LIBDIR. 
X. Create a test account to use the menu system.  You can make this use
X  lush as the login shell or run it from another shell.
X  The single remaining problem with using lush as the login shell is
X  that there is no good way to set the terminal type.  This may be done
X  from sh or csh in the usual way. Lush needs to have the environment variable
X  TERM in order to work properly.  If term is not set at all, lush will
X  try "dumb" as a last resort. 
X  BEWARE: If you run lush from another shell...  
X    (1) You must trap interrupt and quit signals in the .profile of the
X	other shell.  Lush handles these, but if you do not trap them,
X	there is a time window in which the user could break through to
X	the bare shell. 
X    (2) Be sure to add a logout statement after lush exits, since lush
X	won't automatically log out the user if run as a sub-shell.
X1.If you invoke lush from a another shell, you may place switches
X  on the command line:
X   lush [-M menu-file] [-R root-menu] [-G global-config-file]
X	 [-U user-config-file] 
X  The optional switch '-G' tells lush the location of the global run-time
X  configuration file (see lushrc.sample).  The default value, set in
X  config.h, is usually /usr/lib/lush/lushrc.  This file contains a list
X  of environment definitions that will be set up before any other file
X  is loaded.  These environment variables are used as defaults to the
X  other parameters below, and are available to the designer of the menu
X  file (see menu.sample) during execution. 
X  The optional switch '-U' tells lush the location of the user run-time
X  configuration file.  The default is the $LUSHRC environment variable. 
X  If not defined, the value set in config.h (usually ~/.lushrc) is used. 
X  It is similar to the global rc file, above, but serves to permit
X  configuration on a per-user basis. 
X  The optional switch '-M' tells lush where to find the menu
X  specification file.  The default is the $MENUFILE environment 
X  variable.  If not defined, the value set in config.h (usually
X  /usr/lib/lush/menu) is used as a last resort.
X  The switch '-R' tells lush which menu is the root, (the first
X  menu to be displayed.)  The default is the $ROOTMENU environment
X  variable.  If not defined, the value set in config.h (usually
X  MAIN_MENU) is used as a last resort.
X2.When lush runs, it ensures that the following environment variables
X  are initialized:
X    Variable  Default		Purpose
X    --------  -------		-------
X     SHELL    argv[0]    	the name of the shell
X     USER     in /etc/passwd	your username (security feature)
X     TTY      ttyname()		your terminal name (security feature)
X     TERM     "dumb"		your terminal type (specific terminal handling)
X     HOME     in /etc/passwd	your home directory
if test `wc -l < INSTALL` -ne 83; then
	echo 'shar: INSTALL was damaged during transit (should have been 83 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - Makefile'
if test -f Makefile; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Makefile'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Makefile
X# Makefile.Xenix
X# Xenix System V Generic Makefile for lush
X# compiler definitions you might want to have:
X# -DPROTOTYPE	if your compiler can handle prototype statements
X# -DMSDOS	if you are running under MS-DOS
X# -DSUN		if you are running on a Sun workstation
XCC = cc -M0s -i -Zi
XLDFLAGS= -Fmlush.map
XLIBS   = -lc -ltermcap
XHFILES = mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h edit.h lush.h defs.h version.h config.h
XCFILES = mparse.c mlex.c mfile.c menu.c edit.c lush.c envinit.c getin.c login.c
XOBJS   = mparse.o mlex.o mfile.o menu.o edit.o lush.o envinit.o getin.o login.o
X# ----------------------------- dependencies --------------------------------
Xlush: $(OBJS)
X	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o lush
X	-rm -f lush a.out core errs *.o *.map
Xinstall: lush lushrc menu
X	-test -d $(BINDIR) || mkdir $(BINDIR)
X	-test -d $(LIBDIR) || mkdir $(LIBDIR)
X	-strip lush
X	chmod 755 lush
X	chmod 644 lushrc menu
X	cp lush $(BINDIR)
X	cp lushrc menu $(LIBDIR)
Xmparse.o: mparse.c mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mparse.c -c 
Xmlex.o: mlex.c mlex.h mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mlex.c -c 
Xmfile.o: mfile.c mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mfile.c -c 
Xmenu.o:	menu.c menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) menu.c -c
Xedit.o:	edit.c edit.h lush.h defs.h config.h 
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) edit.c -c
Xenvinit.o: envinit.c lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) envinit.c -c
Xlogin.o: login.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) login.c -c
Xgetin.o: getin.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) getin.c -c
Xlush.o: lush.c lush.h defs.h config.h version.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) lush.c -c
if test `wc -l < Makefile` -ne 66; then
	echo 'shar: Makefile was damaged during transit (should have been 66 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - Makefile.BSD'
if test -f Makefile.BSD; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Makefile.BSD'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Makefile.BSD
X# Makefile.BSD
X# Generic BSD4.2 Makefile for lush
X# compiler definitions you might want to have:
X# -DPROTOTYPE	if your compiler can handle prototype statements
X# -DMSDOS	if you are running under MS-DOS
X# -DSUN		if you are running on a Sun workstation
XLIBS   = -ltermcap
XHFILES = mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h edit.h lush.h defs.h version.h config.h
XCFILES = mparse.c mlex.c mfile.c menu.c edit.c lush.c envinit.c getin.c login.c
XOBJS   = mparse.o mlex.o mfile.o menu.o edit.o lush.o envinit.o getin.o login.o
X# ----------------------------- dependencies --------------------------------
Xlush: $(OBJS)
X	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o lush
X	-rm -f lush a.out core errs *.o *.map
Xinstall: lush lushrc menu
X	-test -d $(BINDIR) || mkdir $(BINDIR)
X	-test -d $(LIBDIR) || mkdir $(LIBDIR)
X	-strip lush
X	chmod 755 lush
X	chmod 644 lushrc menu
X	cp lush $(BINDIR)
X	cp lushrc menu $(LIBDIR)
Xmparse.o: mparse.c mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mparse.c -c 
Xmlex.o: mlex.c mlex.h mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mlex.c -c 
Xmfile.o: mfile.c mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mfile.c -c 
Xmenu.o:	menu.c menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) menu.c -c
Xedit.o:	edit.c edit.h lush.h defs.h config.h 
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) edit.c -c
Xenvinit.o: envinit.c lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) envinit.c -c
Xlogin.o: login.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) login.c -c
Xgetin.o: getin.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) getin.c -c
Xlush.o: lush.c lush.h defs.h config.h version.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) lush.c -c
if test `wc -l < Makefile.BSD` -ne 65; then
	echo 'shar: Makefile.BSD was damaged during transit (should have been 65 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - Makefile.Sun'
if test -f Makefile.Sun; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Makefile.Sun'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Makefile.Sun
X# Makefile.Sun
X# SunOs BSD 4.2 Makefile for lush
X# compiler definitions you might want to have:
X# -DPROTOTYPE	if your compiler can handle prototype statements
X# -DMSDOS	if you are running under MS-DOS
X# -DSUN		if you are running on a Sun workstation
XLIBS   = -ltermcap
XHFILES = mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h edit.h lush.h defs.h version.h config.h
XCFILES = mparse.c mlex.c mfile.c menu.c edit.c lush.c envinit.c getin.c login.c
XOBJS   = mparse.o mlex.o mfile.o menu.o edit.o lush.o envinit.o getin.o login.o
X# ----------------------------- dependencies --------------------------------
Xlush: $(OBJS)
X	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o lush
X	-rm -f lush a.out core errs *.o *.map
Xinstall: lush lushrc menu
X	-test -d $(BINDIR) || mkdir $(BINDIR)
X	-test -d $(LIBDIR) || mkdir $(LIBDIR)
X	-strip lush
X	chmod 755 lush
X	chmod 644 lushrc menu
X	cp lush $(BINDIR)
X	cp lushrc menu $(LIBDIR)
Xmparse.o: mparse.c mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mparse.c -c 
Xmlex.o: mlex.c mlex.h mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mlex.c -c 
Xmfile.o: mfile.c mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mfile.c -c 
Xmenu.o:	menu.c menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) menu.c -c
Xedit.o:	edit.c edit.h lush.h defs.h config.h 
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) edit.c -c
Xenvinit.o: envinit.c lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) envinit.c -c
Xlogin.o: login.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) login.c -c
Xgetin.o: getin.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) getin.c -c
Xlush.o: lush.c lush.h defs.h config.h version.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) lush.c -c
if test `wc -l < Makefile.Sun` -ne 65; then
	echo 'shar: Makefile.Sun was damaged during transit (should have been 65 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - Makefile.Xenix'
if test -f Makefile.Xenix; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Makefile.Xenix'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Makefile.Xenix
X# Makefile.Xenix
X# Xenix System V Generic Makefile for lush
X# compiler definitions you might want to have:
X# -DPROTOTYPE	if your compiler can handle prototype statements
X# -DMSDOS	if you are running under MS-DOS
X# -DSUN		if you are running on a Sun workstation
XCC = cc -M0s -i -Zi
XLDFLAGS= -Fmlush.map
XLIBS   = -lc -ltermcap
XHFILES = mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h edit.h lush.h defs.h version.h config.h
XCFILES = mparse.c mlex.c mfile.c menu.c edit.c lush.c envinit.c getin.c login.c
XOBJS   = mparse.o mlex.o mfile.o menu.o edit.o lush.o envinit.o getin.o login.o
X# ----------------------------- dependencies --------------------------------
Xlush: $(OBJS)
X	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o lush
X	-rm -f lush a.out core errs *.o *.map
Xinstall: lush lushrc menu
X	-test -d $(BINDIR) || mkdir $(BINDIR)
X	-test -d $(LIBDIR) || mkdir $(LIBDIR)
X	-strip lush
X	chmod 755 lush
X	chmod 644 lushrc menu
X	cp lush $(BINDIR)
X	cp lushrc menu $(LIBDIR)
Xmparse.o: mparse.c mparse.h mlex.h mfile.h menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mparse.c -c 
Xmlex.o: mlex.c mlex.h mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mlex.c -c 
Xmfile.o: mfile.c mfile.h lush.h defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) mfile.c -c 
Xmenu.o:	menu.c menu.h lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) menu.c -c
Xedit.o:	edit.c edit.h lush.h defs.h config.h 
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) edit.c -c
Xenvinit.o: envinit.c lush.h defs.h config.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) envinit.c -c
Xlogin.o: login.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) login.c -c
Xgetin.o: getin.c defs.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) getin.c -c
Xlush.o: lush.c lush.h defs.h config.h version.h
X	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) lush.c -c
if test `wc -l < Makefile.Xenix` -ne 66; then
	echo 'shar: Makefile.Xenix was damaged during transit (should have been 66 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - PROBLEMS'
if test -f PROBLEMS; then echo 'shar: not overwriting PROBLEMS'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > PROBLEMS
XThis file is for documenting bugs and misfeatures.  Your comments and 
Xsuggestions for how to improve lush are always welcome. 
X1.  Lush will run as the login shell, but BEWARE: 
X	The single remaining problem with using lush as the login shell
X	is that there is no good way to set the terminal type. 
X	This is not good for dialup users, who may be calling from any
X	type of terminal.  
X	I'm working on it.
X2.  Lush uses termcap.  I haven't even thought about terminfo. 
X3.  Though it uses termcap, it is still command based.  That is, You
Xcan't use the cursor keys to make a selection.  I'm currently thinking
Xabout what this would entail, and I want to maintain portability to
X4.  The MS-DOS part of the code has not been exercised in a while. 
X5.  Ctrl-D is currently ignored.  Perhaps it should pop back one menu?
X6.  Function numbers 4 (CHK_RDACC), 7 (CHK_WRACC), and 11 (CHK_ACCESS)
Xare defined but not currently used.
if test `wc -l < PROBLEMS` -ne 24; then
	echo 'shar: PROBLEMS was damaged during transit (should have been 24 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - README'
if test -f README; then echo 'shar: not overwriting README'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > README
XPlease read the file "WARRANTY" in this directory.
XLush is a user interface intended to ease the learning curve required to
Xmake effective use of UNIX.  System administrators may install it to run
Xas the top-level shell in /etc/passwd, or it may run another shell.  It
Xprovides a simple menu for the user, and switches amongst sub-menus or
Xcalls programs based on the menu configuration file. 
XIt has a partially visual interface, which supports various terminals
Xthrough termcap. 
XAt this time, it has been tested on BSD 4.2, Xenix System V, and MS-DOS. 
XTo compile it under MS-DOS, you will need a library of functions which
Xemulate many of the UNIX system calls (available from me for Lattice C
Xv3.20.) The DOS code has not been exercised in over a year, so it may
Xrequire some work. 
XTo install it, follow the instructions in the file INSTALL, in this
XCurrently lush is at version 1.32.
XGood luck, and enjoy.
XPaul Shields,
XFri Jan  5 16:31:09 EST 1990
if test `wc -l < README` -ne 26; then
	echo 'shar: README was damaged during transit (should have been 26 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - WARRANTY'
if test -f WARRANTY; then echo 'shar: not overwriting WARRANTY'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > WARRANTY
XCopyright(C)1987,1988,1989,1990 by Paul A. Shields.  Permission is
Xgranted to redistribute this software as long as the complete source
Xcode is included in the distribution, the files are not altered in any
Xway, and no monetary profit is gained from its distribution. 
XThis software is provided "as is", without any warranty.  The author has
Xmade every effort to test this software, however since it is provided
Xwithout charge, he shall not be held responsible for damages resulting
Xfrom its use nor from the inability to use it.  You must assume all
Xcosts of servicing it or replacing it if it does not perform as
Xspecified, or does not meet your expectations. 
XThe following is a list of the files you should expect to have:
Xtotal 198
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       2051 Jan  8 03:03 HISTORY
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       3678 Jan  8 01:46 INSTALL
X-rw-r--r--   2 bin      staff       1706 Jan  8 02:10 Makefile
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1653 Jan  8 02:12 Makefile.BSD
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1659 Jan  8 02:14 Makefile.Sun
X-rw-r--r--   2 bin      staff       1706 Jan  8 02:10 Makefile.Xenix
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        940 Jan  8 01:23 PROBLEMS
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        983 Jan  7 19:35 README
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       3330 Jan  8 03:07 WARRANTY
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1054 Jan  8 01:57 config.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1498 Jan  7 15:51 defs.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       6473 Jan  5 18:16 edit.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1508 Mar  1  1989 edit.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       8594 Jan  7 18:25 envinit.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        809 Mar 11  1988 getin.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        529 Mar 11  1988 login.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        711 Jan  7 19:50 login.sample
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1586 Jan  7 22:26 lush.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        726 Jan  8 02:57 lush.doc
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       2156 Jan  7 17:56 lush.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        300 Jan  8 02:44 lushrc.sample
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        148 Jan  8 01:11 lushrc.test
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       5054 Jan  7 14:35 menu.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1580 Jan  8 02:01 menu.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff      12973 Jan  8 02:42 menu.sample
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1325 Jan  7 19:56 menu.test
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       2403 Jan  8 01:01 mfile.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1056 Jan  8 00:46 mfile.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       2111 Jan  8 00:54 mlex.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       1082 Jan  8 01:52 mlex.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff       9997 Jan  8 01:04 mparse.c
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff        661 Jan  7 23:14 mparse.h
X-rw-r--r--   1 bin      staff         66 Jan  8 03:04 version.h
XIf you modify the software in any way for your own use, please send me a
Xcontext-diff with a note explaining the modifications, and I will
Xconsider it for inclusion in the public release. 
XIf you have any questions about this software, you may reach me at these
XE-Mail:		shields@nccn.yorku.ca,	(...uunet!yunccn!shields)
X		shields@ists.ists.ca,	(...uunet!ists!shields)
XPost:		Paul Shields, 
X		Rm 217A Lumbers, York University,
X		4700 Keele Street, 
X		North York, Ontario,
X		M3J 1P3
X		Canada
if test `wc -l < WARRANTY` -ne 65; then
	echo 'shar: WARRANTY was damaged during transit (should have been 65 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - login.sample'
if test -f login.sample; then echo 'shar: not overwriting login.sample'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > login.sample
X#!/bin/csh - sample .login file for csh, executes the "lush" menu system.
X# assumes lush is in /usr/local/bin
Xonintr -				# ignore interrupts
Xset dftype = dumb			# initial default terminal type	
Xif ( -r ~/.ttype ) set dftype = `cat ~/.ttype`
Xif ( $TERM != 'ansi' ) echo "Enter your terminal type or Press return for the default, \
X(eg: vt100,ansi,wy30,adm3a,dumb.)"
X# Use tset -S instead of tset -s  in case disk space is exhausted.
Xset noglob
Xset term = (`tset -S -h -m ansi:ansi -m vt100:\?vt100 -m dialup:\?$dftype -m :\?unknown -I`)
Xsetenv TERM $term[1]
Xsetenv TERMCAP $term[2]
Xunset term
Xunset noglob
Xif ( $TERM == 'vt100' ) stty erase '^?'	# delete deletes
Xunset dftype
if test `wc -l < login.sample` -ne 23; then
	echo 'shar: login.sample was damaged during transit (should have been 23 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - lush.doc'
if test -f lush.doc; then echo 'shar: not overwriting lush.doc'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > lush.doc
XSoon to come... in lush 2.0:
X% cat /usr/lib/lush/lushrc
X#!lush - sample global lushrc file
X# ... program invocation using ``
XTERM=`/bin/sh /usr/lib/lush/setterm`
X# ... environment variable options with (a,b,c).
X% cat ~test/.lushrc 
X# for security, 
X#	user may choose only from list given in global config file. 
X#	if the user fails to choose, or does so incorrectly, the default
X#	will be the first of the options.  Need to provide a way for
X#	the user to edit it w/o worrying.
if test `wc -l < lush.doc` -ne 24; then
	echo 'shar: lush.doc was damaged during transit (should have been 24 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - lushrc.sample'
if test -f lushrc.sample; then echo 'shar: not overwriting lushrc.sample'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > lushrc.sample
XLESS=-e -m -q MPMF< -->p< (q=Quit,f=Forward,u=Up,h=Help)>
if test `wc -l < lushrc.sample` -ne 11; then
	echo 'shar: lushrc.sample was damaged during transit (should have been 11 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - lushrc.test'
if test -f lushrc.test; then echo 'shar: not overwriting lushrc.test'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > lushrc.test
XLESS=-e -m -q MPMF< -->p< (q=Quit,f=Forward,u=Up,h=Help)>
if test `wc -l < lushrc.test` -ne 5; then
	echo 'shar: lushrc.test was damaged during transit (should have been 5 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - menu.sample'
if test -f menu.sample; then echo 'shar: not overwriting menu.sample'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > menu.sample
X# file: menu.sample, lush v1.3 sample menu configuration script.
X# Copyright(C)1987,1988,1989,1990 by Paul A. Shields.  Permission is
X# granted to redistribute this software as long as the complete source
X# code is included in the distribution, the files are not altered in any
X# way, and no monetary profit is gained from its distribution. 
X# This software is provided "as is", without any warranty.  The author has
X# made every effort to test this software, however since it is provided
X# without charge, he shall not be held responsible for damages resulting
X# from its use nor from the inability to use it.  You must assume all
X# costs of servicing it or replacing it if it does not perform as
X# specified, or does not meet your expectations. 
X# Syntax:
X#  This file is free format, ie:  space, tab, newline, and comments are 
X#  treated as white space (comments lie between '#' and newline.)
X#  EBNF syntax for menu specification:
X#	menu_tree :== main_menu { ';' menu } '.'.
X#	main_menu :== 'MAIN_MENU' ':' menu_description menu_body.
X#	menu :== menu_title ':' menu_decsription menu_body. 
X#	menu_title :== text.
X#	menu_description :== string.
X#	menu_body :==  cmd_option {',' cmd_option}.
X#	cmd_option :== ['-'] cmd_name menu_title '(' [action_list] ')' cmd_description.
X#	cmd_description :== string.
X#	cmd_name :== text.
X#	action_list :== action {';' action}.
X#	action :== function_number parameter.
X#	parameter :== string.
X#	string :== delimiter text delimiter.
X#  Notes: 
X#    0) Lush reads the entire rc file before beginning, to check syntax.
X#	If a syntax error is discovered, it turfs its cookies and
X#	identifies the offending line number.
X#    1) Lush traps SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals.  SIGINT will abort a 
X#	command or action-list in progress and return the user to the
X#	most recently accessed menu.  SIGQUIT is ignored. 
X#    2) The standard menu title MAIN_MENU denotes the root.  There are three
X#	other standard menu titles, NONE, RETURN and QUIT, which control 
X#	movement through the structure. NONE indicates that there is no 
X#	child menu, RETURN exits the menu, returning to the parent, and 
X#	QUIT returns to the main menu.
X#    3) Each menu title has a menu-description, which is a prompt for
X#	the user.
X#    4) There will usually be several options for each menu.  For
X#	every option there is an associated menu title, indicating the
X#	name of the menu to activate on successful completion of the
X#	action-list.
X#	User-typed commands are case insensitive. Further, the user need only
X#	enter the shortest unique string among the current menu options 
X#	to identify the command, eg: q means Quit.
X#	Support for hidden options (ie: not displayed in menu) has been added.
X#	The appearance of a "-" before the option makes it hidden.
X#    5) Currently the following function-numbers are defined: 
X#	  0 = CHG_DIRECTORY - change to the named directory.
X#	  1 = CHK_PORT      - Examines the environment string TTY and tries 
X#                             to find it in the specified file.  If found, 
X#                             the operation is permitted. Otherwise it fails.
X#	  2 = CHK_TERM      - Examines the environment string TERM and tries 
X#                             to find it in the specified file.  If found,
X#                             the operation is permitted. Otherwise it fails.
X#	  3 = PAUSE         - pause with "Press enter: " message.
X#	  4 = 		    - not used.
X#	  5 = CALL_CMD      - perform a shell command.
X#	  6 = SECUR_CHECK   - calls getgrnam() to check permission on named group.
X#         7 = 		    - not used.
X#         8 = EXP_TOGGLE    - Toggle expert mode. (no menus.)
X#         9 = PNAME         - prompt and get parameter name.
X#        10 = P2NAME        - prompt and get 2nd parameter name.
X#        11 = 		    - not used.
X#	 12 = SET_ENVT	    - set an environment variable
X#	 13 = SAVE_STR	    - save string in (global) recall-buffer
X#	 14 = RECALL_STR1   - put recall-buffer in parameter 1
X#	 15 = RECALL_STR2   - put recall-buffer in parameter 2
X#    6) The menu structure is not necessarily a tree. It is a general 
X#	directed graph. But there is no cycle detection in the 
X#	initialization, so be careful!
X#    7) Important! Every menu needs at least one option that will RETURN or
XMAIN_MENU: "Main Menu"
X Tools    TOOLS_MENU   (6 "!alien")       "Editing and printing tools",
X Mail     MAIL_MENU    ()                 "Send and Read mail",
X News     NEWS_MENU    ()		  "Post and Read news articles",
X Phone    NONE         (5 "who";
X			9 "The above people are logged in.  Username to call? ";
X			5 "phone %s")	  "Call and talk to another user",
X Help     HELP_MENU    ()		  "Help on how to use the system",
X Transfer XFER_MENU    (6 "!alien")       "Transferring files on the network",
X Disk     DISK_MENU    (6 "!alien";
X                        1 "/etc/ldevices") "Use the floppy disk",
X Setup	  SETUP_MENU   ()	"Change Terminal type and other things.",
X-System	  MAINT_MENU   (6 "!alien")       "System maintenance",
X-Bye	  QUIT	       (5 "echo Goodbye $USER, thanks for using the NCCN.")
X			                 "Sign off and hang up",
X Logout   QUIT         (5 "echo Goodbye $USER, thanks for using the NCCN.")
X			                 "Sign off and hang up";
XTOOLS_MENU: "Tools Menu"
X Dir    NONE   (9  "Which directory (default is the current one)? ";
X		5  "ls -las %s | $PAGER")
X				"Long listing of files in a directory", 
X Display NONE  (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "What file names (separated by spaces)? ";
X		5  "$PAGER %s")
X				"Display a file ",
X Edit	NONE   (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "File name? ";
X		5  "$EDITOR %s")	"Edit a file",
X Print  NONE   (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "What file names (separated by spaces)? ";
X		5  "lpr %s")	"Print a file ",
X Delete NONE   (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "What file names (separated by spaces)? ";
X		5  "echo 'Answer y or n to each file.'; rm -i %s")
X				"Delete a file ",
X Copy   NONE   (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "from (file name)? ";
X		10 "to (file name)? ";
X		5  "cp %s %s")	"Make a copy of a file",
X Rename	NONE   (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "Old file name? ";
X		10 "New file name? ";
X		5  "mv %s %s")	"Rename a file",
X Mkdir  NONE   (9  "New directory name? ";
X		5  "mkdir %s")	"Make a new directory (file folder)",
X Cwd	NONE   (9  "Enter directory name? ";
X		0  "%s")	"Change your working directory",
X Help	NONE   (5  "manual tools") "How to use the tools",
X Return RETURN ()		"Return to previous menu",
X Quit   QUIT ()          	"Go back to main menu";
XMAIL_MENU: "Mail Menu"
X Send	NONE   (9  "To: ";
X	        5  "$MAILER %s")   "Send a message",
X Read   NONE   (5  "$MAILER")      "Read your messages",
X Who    NONE   (5  "/usr/local/bin/ulist | sort -u | $PAGER")
X				  "List local users",
X Mbox   NONE   (5  "$MAILER -f $HOME/mbox") 
X				 "Read old messages from your mbox",
X Help   NONE   (5  "manual mail")   "How to use Mail",
X Quit	QUIT ()		 "Go back to main menu";
XNEWS_MENU: "News Articles"
X Groups NONE   (5  "$PAGER /usr/lib/news/newsgroups") 
X					"List available news groups",
X-List   NONE   (5  "$PAGER /usr/lib/news/newsgroups") 
X					"List available news groups",
X Read   NONE   (6  "!alien";
X		6  "!user";
X		5  "$NEWSREADER -n general nccn to";
X		3  "")			"Read NCCN news articles",
X UNitex NONE   (5  "$NEWSREADER -n unitex";
X		3  "")		"Read United Nations news articles",
X Usenet NONE   (9  "which newsgroup(s)? ";
X	        5  "$NEWSREADER -n %s";
X		3  "")		"Read Usenet news articles",
X Post   NONE   (6  "!alien";
X		5  "postnews";
X		3  "")		"Post a news article",
X NBox	NONE   (5  "$MAILER -f $NEWSBOX/Articles")
X			 "Read old messages in your Articles file",
X Help   NONE   (5  "manual news")    "How to use News",
X Quit   QUIT ()                 "Go back to main menu";
XHELP_MENU: "Help Menu"
X NewUser NONE	(5 "manual newuser")	"How can I get an account?",
X Emacs  NONE	(5 "echo 'Type ^X^C to exit' ; emacs /usr/local/man/emacs-tut.doc")
X				"Use Emacs on a tutorial file",
X Topic  NONE	(5 "manual";
X		 9 "What Topic? ";
X		 5 "manual %s")	"Get help on a specific topic",
X Operator NONE  (5 "$MAILER root") "Send a mail message to the operator",
X Guidelines NONE (5 "manual guidelines")	"Guidelines for Using News",
X Quit	QUIT	() 		"Go back to main menu";
XMAINT_MENU: "System Maintenance"
X Monitor  NONE         (6  "!alien";
X			6  "!group";
X			5  "monitor")	  "Monitor network performance",
X Mkuser	NONE   (6  "root";
X		5  "/etc/mkuser")	"Make a new user account",
X Rmuser	NONE   (6  "root";
X		9  "Username? ";
X		5  "remuser")	  	"Remove a user's account",
X Shell  NONE   (6  "!alien";
X		5  "echo Type exit to return to the menus ; csh -i")
X		"Spawns an interactive shell",
X Tools TOOLS_MENU ()       "Editing and printing tools",
X Help   NONE   (5  "manual maint")   "Help on how to maintain the system",
X Quit   QUIT ()                 "Go back to main menu";
XXFER_MENU: "Transfer Menu"
X Sendfile NONE (9  "Name of file(s) to send? ";
X		10 "User to send to (in the format site!user)? ";
X		5  "send -m -p %s %s")
X				"Send a file to another user", 
X Receive  NONE (5  "receive")	"Receive a file from another user", 
X Status   NONE (5  "uustat -v -u$USER | $PAGER")
X				 "Check the status of your UUCP requests",
X CallOut  NONE (1  "/etc/ldevices"; 
X		5  "call.out")   "Call out to another system with kermit",
X Kermit   NONE (5  "kermit")   "Start Kermit upload/download protocol",
X Server   NONE (1  "/etc/rdevices";
X		5  "kermit -x") "Start Kermit in server mode *CAREFUL*",
X Download NONE (5  "ls -axF";
X		9  "What file names (separated by spaces)? ";
X		5  "cat %s";
X		3  "")		"Display a text file without paging or protocol",
X Tools    TOOLS_MENU ()         "Editing and printing tools",
X Help     NONE (5  "manual transfer")  "How to perform file transfers",
X Quit     QUIT ()        	"Go back to main menu";
XDISK_MENU: "Floppy Disk Menu"
X Dtype	  NONE	(9  "Which disk (such as 0 or 1)? ";
X		 5  "dtype /dev/fd%s")	"Determine what type of floppy disk you have",
X Xenix    TAR_MENU ()		"Use floppies in Xenix 'tar' format",
X Dos      DOS_MENU ()		"Use floppies in MS-DOS format",
X Tools    TOOLS_MENU ()         "Editing and printing tools",
X Help	  NONE (5 "manual floppy")		"How to use the floppy disk",
X Quit     QUIT ()        	"Go back to main menu";
XTAR_MENU: "Xenix Menu"
X Dir    NONE    (9  "Which disk (such as 0 or 1)? ";
X		10 "File or Directory names (optional)? ";
X		 5  "tar tv%s %s | $PAGER")    
X					"Directory list of a 'tar' Disk",
X From   NONE    (9  "Which disk (such as 0 or 1)? ";
X		10 "File or Directory names (optional)? ";
X		 5  "tar xv%s %s")    
X					"Copy a file FROM a 'tar' Disk",
X To     NONE    (9  "Which disk (such as 0 or 1)? ";
X		10 "File or Directory names? ";
X		 5  "tar cv%s %s") 
X					"Copy a file  TO  a 'tar' Disk",
X Format NONE	(9  "Which disk (such as 0 or 1)? ";
X		 5  "format /dev/rfd%s48")
X					"Format a 360k 'tar' Disk",
X HFormat NONE	(9  "Which disk (such as 0 or 1)? ";
X		 5  "format /dev/rfd%s96")
X				"Format a 1.2M 'tar' Disk (High Density)",
X Help	  NONE (5 "manual xenix")	"How to transfer to/from Xenix disks",
X Return   RETURN ()        	"Go to previous menu",
X Quit     QUIT ()        	"Go back to Main Menu";
X Dir    NONE    (9  "Which disk (such as A: B: X: or Y:)? ";
X		 5  "dosdir %s | $PAGER")    
X					"Directory list of a Disk",
X From   NONE    (9  "Which disk and file names (no wildcards, eg: a:file)? ";
X		 5  "doscp %s .")
X					"Copy a file FROM a Disk",
X To     NONE    (9  "File or Directory names? ";
X		10 "Which disk (such as A: or B:)? ";
X		 5  "doscp %s %s") 
X					"Copy a file  TO  a Disk",
X BFrom  NONE    (9  "Which disk and file names (no wildcards)? ";
X		 5  "doscp -r %s .")
X					"Copy a Binary file FROM a Disk",
X BTo    NONE    (9  "File or Directory names? ";
X		10 "Which disk (such as A: or B:)? ";
X		 5  "doscp -r %s %s") 
X					"Copy a Binary file  TO  a Disk",
X Format NONE	(9  "Which disk (such as A: or B:)? ";
X		 5  "dosformat %s")
X					"Format a 360k 'DOS' Disk",
X HFormat NONE	(9  "Which disk (such as X: or Y:)? ";
X		 5  "dosformat %s")
X				"Format a 1.2M 'DOS' Disk (High Density)",
X Help	  NONE (5 "manual ms-dos")	"How to transfer to/from MS-DOS disks",
X Return   RETURN ()        	"Go to previous menu",
X Quit     QUIT ()        	"Go back to Main Menu";
XSETUP_MENU: "Setup Menu"
X ListTerm NONE (5   "echo this command is not set up yet";
X		3   "")		"List supported terminal types",
X TermType NONE (5   "echo this command is not set up yet";
X		3   "")		"Change your terminal type",
X Erase    NONE (5   "echo this command is not set up yet";
X		3   "")		"Change the 'erase' character",
X Interrupt NONE (5   "echo this command is not set up yet";
X		3   "")		"Change the 'interrupt' character",
X Eof	  NONE (5   "echo this command is not set up yet";
X		3   "")		"Change the 'eof' character",
X Password NONE (5  "passwd")	"Change your password",
X Help	NONE   (5   "echo this command is not set up yet";
X		3   "")		"Get help on the Setup Menu",
X Quit	QUIT   ()		"Go back to Main Menu".
if test `wc -l < menu.sample` -ne 303; then
	echo 'shar: menu.sample was damaged during transit (should have been 303 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - menu.test'
if test -f menu.test; then echo 'shar: not overwriting menu.test'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > menu.test
X# file: menu.test, lush v1.3 menu configuration script.  See the file
X#	menu.sample for explanation of the syntax. 
XMAIN_MENU: "Main Menu"
X One MENU_ONE ()	"Demonstrate infinite regress",
X Two MENU_TWO ()	"Same as above, with different starting point",
X Shell  NONE   (5  "echo Type exit to return to the menus ; csh -i")
X		"Spawns an interactive shell",
X Test	TEST_MENU ()	"Check out some environment variables.",
X Bye	QUIT (5 "echo Goodbye.")     	"Sign off and hang up";
XMENU_ONE: "Sub-Menu One"
X SubMenu MENU_TWO ()	"Go to sub-menu Two",
X Return  RETURN (5 "echo loop, endless: see endless loop";
X		 3 "")	"Go back 1 level.",
X Quit	QUIT	()	"Go back to main menu.";
XMENU_TWO: "Sub-Menu Two"
X SubMenu MENU_ONE ()	"Go to sub-menu One",
X Return  RETURN (5 "echo endless loop: see loop, endless";
X		 3 "")	"Go back 1 level.",
X Quit	QUIT	()	"Go back to main menu.";
XTEST_MENU: "Test.Menu"
X Lushrc NONE (5 "echo $LUSHRC"; 3 "")	"Print LUSHRC name.",
X Path   NONE (5 "echo $PATH"; 3 "")	"Print PATH.",
X User	NONE (5 "echo $USER"; 3 "")  	"Print USER name.",
X Home	NONE (5 "echo $HOME"; 3 "")  	"Print HOME name.",
X Tty	NONE (5 "echo $TTY"; 3 "")	"Print TTY name.",
X Term	NONE (5 "echo $TERM"; 3 "")  	"Print TERM name.",
X Pager	NONE (5 "echo $PAGER"; 3 "") 	"Print PAGER name.",
X Quit	QUIT	()	"Go back to main menu.".
if test `wc -l < menu.test` -ne 33; then
	echo 'shar: menu.test was damaged during transit (should have been 33 lines)'
fi		; : end of overwriting check
exit 0

Paul Shields, shields@nccn.yorku.ca  (..!uunet!yunccn!shields)