[comp.unix.xenix] emacs to XENIX-386.

joakimf@sluga.UUCP (Joakim Fredriksson) (01/16/90)

Hello world!!!

	Is there anybody outthere that has a working copy of the last
	version of emacs to a XENIX-386 system. Yes I know that its 
	portable to most systems. But I have already tried to install a
	emacs on our system. And after one days work it still wouldnt work.
	It did compile, but it didnt function as it should (the keyboard
	hanged). If somebody has any solution to my problem, or has a new
	copy the he/she has tried on their system I would be happy if you
	could send it to me.

	Many thanks in advance.

-  Jocke Fredriksson                                 -
-  Swedish Univerisity of Agricultural Sciences      -
-  Dpt of Operational Efficiency                     -
-  S-770 73  Garpenberg                              -
-  SWEDEN                                            -
-  Internet: joakimf@sluga.se   Tel:46/225/22100     -