[comp.unix.xenix] Grpahics on *nix

frankb@usource.SARASOTA.FL.US (Frank Bicknell) (01/12/90)

In article <60@fleet.UUCP> mel@fleet.UUCP (mel) writes:

> ... files in TIFF, PICT, or EPS formats. I'd have no problem copying
> files from Mac to CPU running Xenix.  
> How can I convert any one of these formats that would be useable
> on my dot matrix printers? 
> ... what other alternative route(s) are available excluding
> laser printer output. ...

Personally, I'd like to know more about people's experiences
with these and other graphics formats under {xe|u}nix.  I'm
interested in knowing more about what laser printers are capable
of under *nix.  I have run a couple of desktop publishing
programs under vpix with success.  Notably First Publisher
(limited, but still useful) and Ventura (powerful, but a mite

It's interesting in fact to note that although Ventura would NOT
run under Novell ELS (not enough memory), it runs just fine
under vpix.  That made my day :) .

I wish vpix could be made bug-free (along the same lines as
seedless grapes, huh?)... then we could throw DOS and its kludgy
connectivity solutions out the window :) .... but I digress.

It has been nice to produce nice pictures on this system so
well known for being "industrial strength" and functional.
Would anyone else care to share their experiences along those
Frank Bicknell
UniSource; 1405 Main St, Ste 709; Sarasota, FL 34236
attctc!usource!frankb || frankb@usource.SARASOTA.FL.US

louis@cs.AthabascaU.CA (Louis Schmittroth) (01/18/90)

In article <365@usource.SARASOTA.FL.US>, frankb@usource.SARASOTA.FL.US (Frank Bicknell) writes:
> Personally, I'd like to know more about people's experiences
> with these and other graphics formats under {xe|u}nix.  I'm
> interested in knowing more about what laser printers are capable
> of under *nix.  I have run a couple of desktop publishing
> programs under vpix with success.  Notably First Publisher
> (limited, but still useful) and Ventura (powerful, but a mite
> slow).  

I run Elan troff under Xenix, but I am still searching for a graphics
program which I could run uder vpix.  I would like to hear more about
experiences with other packages under vpix.  Elan troff can import
TIFF files and MacPaint formats. 

Thanks for any enlightenment.

Louis Schmittroth

neal@mnopltd.UUCP (01/19/90)

->In article <365@usource.SARASOTA.FL.US>, frankb@usource.SARASOTA.FL.US (Frank Bicknell) writes:
->> Personally, I'd like to know more about people's experiences
->> with these and other graphics formats under {xe|u}nix.  I'm
->> slow).  
->I run Elan troff under Xenix, but I am still searching for a graphics
->program which I could run uder vpix.  I would like to hear more about
->experiences with other packages under vpix.  Elan troff can import
->TIFF files and MacPaint formats. 
Not to be dense, but I haven't found any graphics program which WOULDN'T run
under vpix.  But my experience has been limited to PaintBrush, Word Perfect
5.0, and Flight Sim.