[comp.unix.xenix] MGR on XENIX - problem.

ingea@IFI.UIO.NO (Inge Arnesen) (02/08/90)

I received some patches for MGR on XENIX with the name 
paul@rutgers.edu on them. I tried to contact him, but the mail
bounced, and so I post these questions here instead.

I had no troubles applying them or compiling MGR, but when I started
it up, I got a kind of Star Wars like picture with a lot of object 
moving through space and something vaguely looking like a planet
in the middle. A very difficult to read text read something like 
"press any key to continue". After hitting space, som of the movement
around the planet like object stopped, but the small objects continued
to move and nothing else happened.

I hooked up a terminal after a few minutes, so I could kill the MGR 
processes that were blocking all the multiscreens. 

I'm running XENIX 386 2.3.2 with a Hercules mono display and ran all
the tests from my own user (not root). I have a Logitech bus mouse,
but it has no effect (I set up the mouse device to /dev/mouse/bus0).

If any of you have time and any idea what causes this, could you drop me a

Inge (BoB)  { ingea@ifi.uio.no }
==   Inge Arnesen, University of Oslo, Norway.                         ==
==                                                                     ==