[comp.unix.xenix] CompuAdd 386-25 and SCO Xenix/Unix

root@mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US (Mark J. Bailey) (02/10/90)


Recently, I transferred my SCO Xenix 2.3.3 OS from my Tandy 4000 over
to my CompuAdd 386/25 machine I got last summer.  The CompuAdd model is
one of the "older" models before they started marketing their current

For the most part, it functions with a hitch under Xenix.  However, I
have noted that the Archive 60meg tape drive will get in a "loop" when doing
a backup from our database system (written in Unify 4.0) which uses /dev/rct0
directly.  It worked fine on our Tandy 4000 time after time, so an initial
starting point is the CompuAdd.  Any ideas?

Along that line, are there any other things anyone out there has either
heard or experienced about using CompuAdd's 386/25 and SCO that I should
be aware of.  At this point, I have heard of *no* problems, so any piece
of information would be advantageous.

I appreciate any and all responses.  Thanks in advance!


Mark J. Bailey, N4XHX                             "Ya'll com bak naw, ya hear!"
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