[comp.unix.xenix] uupc

don@dksfr.UUCP (don kossman) (02/11/90)

i'm looking for a current version of "uupc" for DOS.

i've got an old, (august 87) alpha version from stuart lynn, which is
apparently an adaptation of richard lamb's "dcp" code.  it
provides two programs, "mail" and "uu".  the former works
reasonably well, but the latter, which kinda emulates unix uucico
(but, this being dos, runs in the foreground) does not, at
least when i try to connect to a xenix or ultrix system.  just get lots
of checksum errors (uucp "g" protocol).

i know there are at least two commercial versions available, but
don't have several hundred $s to spend on this, plus would like
to have source to customize.

if you have source or know where it is please let me know;
i do not have direct ftp access to the internet or uunet
but may prevail upon neighbors who do.

please followup to comp.unix.xenix as my news feed does not include
comp.sys.ibm.pc- or send mail if you could mail me source.


Don Kossman, SEI Information Technology, Los Angeles
mahendo.jpl.nasa.gov!jplgodo!seila!don OR sun!suntzu!seila!don

ahd@kendra.kew.com (02/16/90)

From article <288@dksfr.UUCP>, by don@dksfr.UUCP (don kossman):
> i'm looking for a current version of "uupc" for DOS.
> please followup to comp.unix.xenix as my news feed does not include
> comp.sys.ibm.pc- or send mail if you could mail me source.

Note:  This document was revised on 12 Febuary 1990.

The current release of UUPC/extended is available via:

        Anonymous Kermit server running on kendra, my home system.

        Anonymous FTP from clutx.clarkson.edu, directory pub/uupc.

Because kendra is the system I develop UUPC/extended on, the files
available from kendra's kermit server will always be the definitive
versions.  However, I have no intention of releasing an excessive number
of releases, so normally the FTPable version will be current.


Because of time and disk space restrictions, I do not mail copies of the
source or executables, provide custom .ARC or .ZIP files with only a
limited set of the files, or provide other distribution services--
please don't ask.  I do answer my mail, especially from other people who
have worked on UUPC, and I also at least acknowledge bug reports
(remember, I run this software too).

Kermit Instructions:

To retrieve UUPC/extended via Kermit, you will have to have a Kermit
which can issue the GET and FINISH commands to a Kermit server.  Set your
Kermit to:

        Its maximum packet size         (optional)
        3 byte checksum                 (optional)
        2 Windows                       (optional)
        1200 or 2400 baud
        No parity
        ^S/^Q flow control

Call 617-641-4817.  The best time to call is between 10 am and 5 pm
weekdays, and any night between midnight and 5 AM (All times are
Eastern).  Other times, the system CAN and WILL be down or busy for
extended periods of time.

After connect, press ENTER and kendra's "login:" prompt will appear.

        Enter the user id:      anonymous
        and press ENTER.

The "password:" prompt will appear.

        Enter the password:     ribbit
        and press ENTER.

Note:   Both the user id and password are case sensitive, and you
        cannot backspace when typing them in.  If you make an error then
        press ENTER until you get the "login:"  prompt again and start
        over.  The user id will not echo until you press ENTER, and the
        password will not echo at all.

A short hello message will appear, and then Kermit-MS will await your
command.  Escape to your local command mode, and then issue a GET for
one or more of the files listed above.  When done, issue the FINISH
command to shutdown the Kermit server.  DO NOT just hang up your
telephone, because then you will lock up kendra, which is not critical
but is unkind since now you know better.

About the files:

The files available via FTP and Kermit as:

                 name                   Description
           uupcsrc.arc     Source files for UUPC, PKPAK format
           uupcuser.arc    Run time (.EXE and .DOC files) only,
                           PKPAK format.
           uupcsrc.zip     Same as uupcsrc.arc, but in PKZIP format
           uupcuser.zip    Same as uupcuser.arc, but in PKZIP format.
           howtoget.it     This file.
           kermit.exe      The current release of IBM-PC Kermit-MS

Note:      Right now, actually only the .ZIP files are loaded to clutx.
           (So I lied.)

The UUPCSRC files include the source and the raw documents, the UUPCUSER
files includes the executables and formatted documents.  Both UUPCSRC
and UUPCUSER include the same sample files.

The UUPCSRC.ZIP file must be PKUNZIPed with the unpack directory option.
Because PKPAK does not support path names in files, the UUPCSRC.ARC file
includes two ARC files of its own, UUPCLCL.ARC and UUPCDOC.ARC; these
files should PKUNPAK'ed into the sub-directories LOCAL and DOC.

Kermit is the program I run to provide the Kermit server; the current
release (3.00) supports windows in file transfer, long (2000 bytes)
packets and VT-320 terminal emulation.  The manual for Kermit is
available via anonymous FTP from cunixc.cc.columbia.edu.  I don't have
space for it kendra.

Please direct all questions to help@kendra.kew.com.

Drew Derbyshire