[comp.unix.xenix] mskermit sources via internet

larry@nstar.UUCP (Larry Snyder) (03/02/90)

I just ftp'ed about 6 megs of software from uunet over the internet -
and noticed that they had a 1.6 megabyte archive with kermit 2.32 sources -
but not a copy of the 3.00 sources.

The kermit docs mention ftp from watsun.cc.columbia.edu but I can't get
to watsun.cc.columbia.edu via ftp.  I can however get to a variety of
sites around the world.  Is there an option with ftp to get a list
of the sites available?

I checked the /tmp directory on uunet where it appears that all the 
new uploads go - but no mskermit300 there.  
          Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
                uucp: larry@nstar -or- ...!iuvax!ndmath!nstar!larry
               4 inbound dialup high speed line public access system

sek9424@cec1.wustl.edu (Scott Eric Keller) (03/03/90)

	MS-Kermit 3.00 is available from wuarchive.wustl.edu in the
/mirrors/msdos/kermit directory. I have just downloaded this software
and have been trying it out for the last few days. There does not seem
to be a full set of docs for 3.00 yet since the docs in the above
directory seem to be those for 2.32a. 

	I was under the impression that this version supported a sliding
window version of the protocol. I have not been able to find anything
supporting this in the program yet. I'd like some info about that if
anyone knows what the story is. The vt320 emulation seems to work quite
nicely and the graphics seem to be quite versatile.


    Scott Keller (KA0WCH) - Permanent Undergrad - Dept. of Computer Science
		Wa$hington Univer$ity - St. Louis, Mo. USA
Internet: sek9424@cec2.wustl.edu      UUCP:ihnp4!wucec2!sek9424 (I think...)   
   The opinions represented here are mine and mine alone, not Wa$h. U's.