[comp.unix.xenix] UUCP Directories deleted.

srodawa@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dr. Srodawa) (03/03/90)

Using HDB UUCP in Xenix 2.3.2, if an account is given the uucico shell,
the the home directory is placed in /usr/spool/uucp.  But, uudaemon.clean
will eventually delete it.  Way to go!

wht@n4hgf.uucp (Warren Tucker) (03/07/90)

In article <205@vela.acs.oakland.edu> srodawa@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dr. Srodawa) writes:
>Using HDB UUCP in Xenix 2.3.2, if an account is given the uucico shell,
>the the home directory is placed in /usr/spool/uucp.  But, uudaemon.clean
>will eventually delete it.  Way to go!

Yeah. Ain't that just GREAT?? I mimiced the SCO UNIX 3.2 usage to get
around the problem. 

mkdir /usr/spool/uucplogins

Each time you add a user:
mkuser uuralph
mkdir /usr/spool/uucplogins/uuralph
chown uuralph /usr/spool/uucplogins/uuralph
chgrp uucp /usr/spool/uucplogins/uuralph
rm -r /usr/spool/uucp/uuralph
edit /etc/passwd to change login directory

I suppose if I did this very often, I'd change 'mkuser'.  (What a
nuisance!  I haven't found anything that makes use of the login
directory.  '.hushlogin' doesn't appear to work.)
Warren Tucker, Tridom Corporation        ...!gatech!kd4nc!n4hgf!wht 
Sforzando (It., sfohr-tsahn'-doh).  A direction to perform the tone
or chord with special stress, or marked and sudden emphasis.

bob@consult.UUCP (Bob Willey) (03/07/90)

In article <205@vela.acs.oakland.edu> srodawa@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dr. Srodawa) writes:
>Using HDB UUCP in Xenix 2.3.2, if an account is given the uucico shell,
>the the home directory is placed in /usr/spool/uucp.  But, uudaemon.clean
>will eventually delete it.  Way to go!

We have run into this problem, however there is a rather easy way
to get around this problem.
We create a file (we call it .dd) and just remove the write 
privledges from the file in the home directory of the account
created (i.e.  /usr/spool/uucp/uutest/.dd)
Then uudaemon.clean will leave the directory intact and everything
will be fine.  You will notice that the problem surfaces as 
the remote system able to call in, but locking (or appearing to
stop) at the point of waiting for a passwd reply.  Since it doesn't
find any account directory, it cannot continue.  We orignally tracked
this one down by running uutry from the remote end.
Hope this helps.

.. Computer Consulting Service     ..    Bob Willey, CDP     ..
.. P.O. Drawer 1690                ..    uunet!consult!bob   ..
.. Easton, Maryland  21601         ..    (301) 820-4670      ..