[comp.unix.xenix] Experience installing SCO Xenix/Unix on Compaq Systempro

timk@xenitec.on.ca (Tim Kuehn) (03/29/90)

I've got an client who's looking at putting SCO Xenix or Unix on a 
Compaq Systempro. Does SCO sell a version of xenix/unix that take 
advantage of the dual-processor capabilities of this machine, and 
are there any "gotchas" that should be looked out for? 

Post or Email and I will generate a summary if there's interest. 

Thanks in advance for your input!

Timothy D. Kuehn 				TDK Consulting Services
871 Victoria St. North, Kitchener, 		voice: (519)-741-3623
Ontario, Canada N2B 3S4			 	DOS/Xenix - SW/HW. uC uP RDBMS
timk@xenitec.on.ca				!watmath!maytag!xenitec!timk
No disclaimer here - I *am* the company!

ghost@robecdc.UUCP (William.A.Sneed) (03/30/90)

In article <1990Mar29.024229.17330@xenitec.on.ca> timk@xenitec.UUCP (Tim Kuehn) writes:
>I've got an client who's looking at putting SCO Xenix or Unix on a 
>Compaq Systempro. 

SCO's UNIX (SA012UX77) with MPX

This is the ticket you want.
-William A. Sneed	 | All words are from me not my employer. All errors
-...pyrdc!robecdc!ghost  | are mine, all the glory is mine, all the flames are
-(703) 631-4800		 | mine, good, bad and ugly it's all mine. :-{> :-{> :-)