[comp.unix.xenix] monochrome, vga monitor on same machine

tpf@jdyx.UUCP (Tom Friedel) (04/13/90)

Has anyone succesfully attatched a monochrome and vga monitor to
a SCO Unix or Xenix machine, with the idea of being able to display
output to either both monitors simultenously, or less optimistically
switch between monitors.

The SWAPMONO and SWAPVGA ioctl's appear to be there for that purpose,
but I can't get them to work.

tom tpf@jdyx.uucp

Tom Friedel  JDyx Enterprises (404) 320-7624 tpf@jdyx.UUCP 
Unix BBS:  (404) 325-1719 <= 2400 ; (404) 321-5020 >= 2400
"Live simply, so that others may simply live."

sl@van-bc.UUCP (Stuart Lynne) (04/13/90)

In article <1990Apr12.192539.2984@jdyx.UUCP> tpf@jdyx.UUCP (Tom Friedel) writes:
}Has anyone succesfully attatched a monochrome and vga monitor to
}a SCO Unix or Xenix machine, with the idea of being able to display
}output to either both monitors simultenously, or less optimistically
}switch between monitors.
}The SWAPMONO and SWAPVGA ioctl's appear to be there for that purpose,
}but I can't get them to work.

Yes, it works fine.

I usually run 80x43 on screens 1-8 and mono on 9-12. 

One nice touch is that even though you can have only one screen active (i.e.
have the keyboard associated with it) output will continue to be displayed
as it is received on the on screen as well. So you can (for example) run a
tail -f /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/xferstats on the mono and continue to work on
the vga. 

Stuart.Lynne@wimsey.bc.ca ubc-cs!van-bc!sl 604-937-7532(voice) 604-939-4768(fax)

chip@chinacat.Unicom.COM (Chip Rosenthal) (04/13/90)

In article <316@van-bc.UUCP> sl@van-bc.UUCP (Stuart Lynne) writes:
>So you can (for example) run a tail -f /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/xferstats
>on the mono and continue to work on the vga. 

I'll plug the "xtail" program I posted to comp.sources.misc a while back,
which works like "tail -f" on a bunch of files.  Fer example, I'd run:

    xtail /usr/spool/uucp/.Log/* /local/lib/smail/*.*log

and watch *everything*.

Chip Rosenthal                            |  You're not some icon carved out
chip@chinacat.Unicom.COM                  |  of soap, sent here to clean up
Unicom Systems Development, 512-482-8260  |  my reputation.  -John Hiatt