[comp.unix.xenix] Xenix Kermit Query

heneghan@cbnewsd.att.com (joseph.t.heneghan) (05/26/90)

Earlier I posted for a Xenix Kermit executable. Thanx to all
who replied. I really need to ask for something else... Documentation,
I am trying to allow a Xenix Wordperfect user to pass pc scan codes
as well as files from DOS to Xenix. If anyone has done this or
knows, or has some ideas or pointers, please let me know. I need
to know how Kermit works as well, like how to pass parameters to
it at the command line. Maybe I need tofind a book? I know it was
developed at Columbia. Thanxs again.
				Joe Heneghan

srodawa@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dr. Srodawa) (05/27/90)

In article <1990May25.215147.3662@cbnewsd.att.com> heneghan@cbnewsd.att.com (joseph.t.heneghan) writes:
>Earlier I posted for a Xenix Kermit executable. Thanx to all
>who replied. I really need to ask for something else... Documentation,

I believe you will find documentation on unix.secs.oakland.edu
( via anonymous ftp.  Transfering WordPerfect files
is no sweat at all, just be sure to use binary mode.  I usually do
WP on the PC and send the files to Xenix.  I'm not sure you would have
good luch with scan codes at all, but the MS-DOS kermit is the guy to
look at.  It does have the ability to map keystrokes (scan codes) into
sequences of characters.  To transfer a WP file (say fyle.wp) from
PC to Xenix:
1. Run MSKERMIT on PC and connect to Xenix, then login to Xenix.
2. Start up kermit on Xenix.
3. Enter following commands (to Xenix kermit)
   set file type binary
4. Type the escape to command mode for MsKermit:
5. Enter MsKermit command to send the file:
   send fyle.wp
6. When transfer is complete, stop the server mode and quit Xenix Kermit,
   leaving yourself still logged onto Xenix..
That is all there is to it.  Since both C-Kermit (used on Xenix) and
MS-Kermit support long packets, you may wish to issue commands for that
set send pack 1000
set rec pack 1000
are the best you can do, giving 1000 byte packets.

Both Kermits provide for an initialization suite of commands in a file.
I have this set up on all systems and kermits I use.  In both Kermits,
? as a command gives you a list of commands, ? within a command tells
you what are valid continuations of the command.  Ron.

| Ronald J. Srodawa               | Internet: srodawa@unix.secs.oakland.edu |
| School of Engineering and CS    | UUCP:     srodawa@egrunix.UUCP          |
| Oakland University              | Voice:    (313) 370-2247                |
| Rochester, Michigan  48309-4401 |                                         |