[comp.unix.xenix] Help needed: Xenix mail via uucp

dmalkson@well.sf.ca.us (David Malkson) (06/01/90)

I am running Xenix-386 Rel. 2.3.2 and NetNews 2.11.17b. I have established a 

uucp connection to a local news feed, and we have successfully exchanged

messages in the "to.system" newsgroup. The problem I am having is in

setting up a remote mail path to the other site. The NetNews documentation

I have has not helped much.

Can someone tell me how to do this in Xenix? 

e.g. How would I go about mailing a message to postmaster@dhw68k.cts.com?

Do I need to configure the file /usr/lib/mail/aliases or what? 

Any assistance would be appreciated.