[comp.unix.xenix] GIF viewer for XENIX wanted

richard@neabbs.UUCP (RICHARD RONTELTAP) (06/01/90)

If my memory serves me correctly, I've seen several people here 
hint at the existance of a GIF viewer for XENIX.

I have XENIX/386 2.3.3, but DS 2.2, so I don't have the CGI VGA lib 
(yet). I've newly gotten VGA+ cards that can display 800x600x256 
and would like too view all those pretty (some sexy) pictures under 

(_You_ know, so I can Alt-escape when the boss comes in :-)

Has anyone got a viewer that works without it? The damn thing is 
already too slow under CGA anyway.

Any UNIX source of GIF viewer would be great too. I'll try to hack 
the output part then.

The ususal in advance,

muntyan@csusac.csus.edu (Byron Muntyan) (06/02/90)

In article <395777@neabbs.UUCP> richard@neabbs.UUCP (RICHARD RONTELTAP) writes:
>If my memory serves me correctly, I've seen several people here 
>hint at the existance of a GIF viewer for XENIX.
>I have XENIX/386 2.3.3, but DS 2.2, so I don't have the CGI VGA lib 
>(yet). I've newly gotten VGA+ cards that can display 800x600x256 
>and would like too view all those pretty (some sexy) pictures under 
>(_You_ know, so I can Alt-escape when the boss comes in :-)
>Has anyone got a viewer that works without it? The damn thing is 
>already too slow under CGA anyway.
>Any UNIX source of GIF viewer would be great too. I'll try to hack 
>the output part then.
>The ususal in advance,

I am also running Xenix 2.3.2 and my DS is the same version. I would
also be interested in any PD source for a GIF viewer.

I'd appreciate either E-mail or a response to the net.


bevans@tanus.oz.au (Brian Evans Esq) (06/06/90)

muntyan@csusac.csus.edu (Byron Muntyan) writes:
>I am also running Xenix 2.3.2 and my DS is the same version. I would
>also be interested in any PD source for a GIF viewer.
>I'd appreciate either E-mail or a response to the net.

Yes I would be interested in this Viewer also.  I have a directory that is
building very fast full of GIF images.

 _--_|\  `-_-' Brian Evans      Internet: bevans@tanus.oz.au
/      \  'U`  P.O Box 232    Compu$erve: 72500,1355 | Fax: +61 3 412-1551
\_.--._/       Avondale Heights, 3034
      v        Victoria, Australia

rick@comspec.uucp (Rick McCalla) (06/08/90)

It appears that a lot of people would appreciate receiving this program
if anyone has it.  perhaps it could be posted on the net.

Comspec Communications Inc.  | Rick McCalla  ----- rick@comspec.UUCP
Toronto, Ontario  Canada     |----------------------------------
Voice : (416) 785 - 3553     | Path:  uunet!mnetor!becker!comspec!rick
Fax   : (416) 785 - 3668     |