[comp.unix.xenix] does streamer IBM6157 produce parity error ?

alex@edvvie.at (Alexander Illek) (06/13/90)

Hi Folks outside !

Everytime I use the streamer ibm6157 under sco xenix/386 2.2.3
I got a 'panic: memory failure, parity error'. Only booting the
system would give it back life. ;-(
Running the diagnostic over all components brought no results.
Has anyone any idea or a other .adf-file ? (mine has 154 bytes)

many thanks in advance.
	LOCAL:  alex@eliza		USENET:  alex@edvvie.at
	EDV Ges.m.b.H Vienna
	Hofmuehlgasse 3 - 5             Alexander Illek
	A-1060 Vienna, Austria          Tel: (0043) (222) 59907 (8-19 CET)