[comp.unix.xenix] TeX 3.0 - trip test

glenn@extro.ucc.su.oz.au (Glenn Geers) (07/09/90)

	I have successfully run the TeX trip test under Xenix. I had 
previously fetched incorrect files from labrea (sighhhhhh). The results
are identical to those produced on our sparcs. Note that both produce
rounding errors - "some of the values may be a little off due to floating
point rounding discrepenacies" - Knuth, "A Torture Test for TeX".
I have a sneaking feeling that this is the IEEE/VAX floating point
differences showing up.


Glenn Geers                       | "So when it's over, we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics |  Just to prove that human touch can have
The University of Sydney          |  no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia         |  - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'