[comp.unix.xenix] UUCP without smtp

tb@pemstgt.gtc.de (Tillmann Basien) (07/10/90)

how can I establish a uucp connection between SCO UNIX 3.2 and SCO XENIX
I can't  use smtp, because on SCO XENIX 2.3.3 we have installed Excelan Lan
Workplace (TCP/IP-Package). This has a smtp, but it does not work properly.
It inserts `,` in the From: Header, so I had to deinstall it.

Now I have no UUCP-Connection to the SCO UNIX 3.2.

Dipl.Ing. Tillmann Basien			   tb@pemstgt.gtc.de
Programmentwicklung fuer Microcomputer		   unido!gtc!pemstgt!tb	UUCP
Vaihinger Str.49, PostBox 810165		      +49-711-713047	FAX
7000 Stuttgart 80- West Germany                       +49-711-713045	PHONE