[comp.unix.xenix] Beta test of SCO Xenix 2.3 supplement available

dionj@uunet.UU.NET (Dion Johnson) (07/28/90)

In article <8482@scorn.sco.COM> you write:
>Please direct all inquiries to support@sco.com
>The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) Technical Support Department has developed 
>a new Support Level Supplement (SLS) xnx155b, the SCO XENIX 386 2.3 
>Maintenance Supplement UFM Release 2.1, which will clear up many unresolved 
>problems with SCO XENIX 386 Release 2.3..  This supplement has been thoroughly 
>tested by the SCO Support group and, beginning July 26th 1990, will be 
>undergoing month-long beta period.  If you wish to be a part of this beta 
>program, you may download a pre-release copy of SLS xnx155b via uucp
>where it can be found in the following files:
>sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155b01.Z   (717252 Bytes) (sum -r 49486)
>sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155b02.Z   (741003 Bytes) (sum -r 53294)
>sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155doc.Z   ( 22681 Bytes) (sum -r 25408)
>The phone number for sosco is (408) 425-3502 for 2400 baud modem and
>(408) 429-1786 for Telebit Trailblazer modem.  We recommend that you 
>use a Trailblazer to download these files if you have access to one.  
>Downloading these files via 2400 baud modem can take several hours.  
>If you wish to obtain a copy of this software, but are unable to download 
>it, you may request a copy of the software by mailing support@sco.com.
>Please be sure to include your full name and mailing address and we will
>send you a copy of the software via standard mail.
>Telephone support for the pre-release xnx155b is not available.  Please
>submit all technical questions via electronic mail to uunet!sco!support
>or support@sco.COM.
>Eric Davis and Louis Imershein 
>UNIX/XENIX Product Leads
>SCO Technical Support

rosso@sco.COM (Ross Oliver) (07/28/90)

Please direct all inquiries to support@sco.com

The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) Technical Support Department has developed 
a new Support Level Supplement (SLS) xnx155b, the SCO XENIX 386 2.3 
Maintenance Supplement UFM Release 2.1, which will clear up many unresolved 
problems with SCO XENIX 386 Release 2.3..  This supplement has been thoroughly 
tested by the SCO Support group and, beginning July 26th 1990, will be 
undergoing month-long beta period.  If you wish to be a part of this beta 
program, you may download a pre-release copy of SLS xnx155b via uucp
where it can be found in the following files:

sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155b01.Z   (717252 Bytes) (sum -r 49486)
sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155b02.Z   (741003 Bytes) (sum -r 53294)
sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155doc.Z   ( 22681 Bytes) (sum -r 25408)

The phone number for sosco is (408) 425-3502 for 2400 baud modem and
(408) 429-1786 for Telebit Trailblazer modem.  We recommend that you 
use a Trailblazer to download these files if you have access to one.  
Downloading these files via 2400 baud modem can take several hours.  
If you wish to obtain a copy of this software, but are unable to download 
it, you may request a copy of the software by mailing support@sco.com.
Please be sure to include your full name and mailing address and we will
send you a copy of the software via standard mail.

Telephone support for the pre-release xnx155b is not available.  Please
submit all technical questions via electronic mail to uunet!sco!support
or support@sco.COM.


Eric Davis and Louis Imershein 
UNIX/XENIX Product Leads
SCO Technical Support

harald@boink.UUCP (Harald Milne) (08/02/90)

In article <8482@scorn.sco.COM>, rosso@sco.COM (Ross Oliver) writes:
> The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) Technical Support Department has developed 
> a new Support Level Supplement (SLS) xnx155b, the SCO XENIX 386 2.3 
> Maintenance Supplement UFM Release 2.1, which will clear up many unresolved 
> problems with SCO XENIX 386 Release 2.3..

	And SCO XENIX 286 Release 2.3 has even more unresolved problems.

So far the following have been released for the 386, and NOT the 286:

lng085.Z  Update for SCO XENIX 386  Development System version 2.3  386AT,386PS
lng238.Z  /bin/ldr loader           SCO XENIX 2.3 Development System
unx204.Z  Logitech Bus Mouse        XENIX ver. 2.3.2 & UNIX 3.2.0   386AT
xnx141.Z  Select Pipe Support       version 2.3.2                   n386

Along with numerous tape drivers and other miscleanious updates.

	I asked the net recently what the current version of the SCO XENIX 
Development System for the 286 was, and was informed it is 2.2.1. 

    I became a bit alarmed since discovering lng085 became available for the
386 and not the 286, so I called SCO support. I mentioned that 2.2.1 doesn't
match XENIX 2.3.2 286AT OS, that documented system calls weren't available
to the Development system, along with other complaints about the flakiness
of the 2.2.1 286 compiler in general and so on.

	And the reply was:
       1. SCO has no plans to upgrade the 286 Development System. There are
		  no fixes or upgrades in the works or on the way.
       2. They agreed that the documented system calls not being available,
          was a problem, and the fix was to remove any mention of it in the
          286 OS manuals. And yet, the calls do exist in the kernel.
       3. Sorry. The tech support person was sympathetic to my predicament,
          and was suprised to discover these details. They even spoke to the
          Director of Software Development to see what, if anything would
          be done.

    So, as far I am concerned, SCO XENIX 286AT Development System is dead
and no longer supported. It was suggested by SCO to go to XENIX 386 for
development for the 286, which of course I can't. The 286 compiler is
Microsoft 3.0, while the 386 is 5.1. The timestamps of 286 executables date
back to 1987. 

	And now the trend seems to be in favor of maintenance support for XENIX
386, and not the 286 version of the exact same OS. There are supplements and
fixes being done for the 386, while the same version of XENIX for the 286
remains stagnant and unresolved.

    It's definitely beginning to look like XENIX 286AT OS is dead too. It has
been mentioned here on USENET on various occasions, that XENIX 286 would be
supported "indefinitely".

	I sincerely hope that this is not SCOs idea of "support".

	I have only had this software for a few months spending a total of $1300
dollars. I was going to get SCOs SoftCare support for the development system,
only to find that it DOA.

	I am getting the very uneasy feeling that I am getting burned by SCO.

	I hope not. It's a hell of a lot money to throw out the window!

> Telephone support for the pre-release xnx155b is not available.  Please
> submit all technical questions via electronic mail to uunet!sco!support
> or support@sco.COM.

	My question isn't technical in nature. It's simply:

        IS XENIX 286 DEAD??? WHAT'S THE STORY???

> Regards,
> Eric Davis and Louis Imershein 
> UNIX/XENIX Product Leads
> SCO Technical Support

Harald Milne                   RISCy business	       uunet!ccicpg!boink!harald

glenn@extro.ucc.su.oz.au (Glenn Geers) (08/02/90)

	I wonder if it's legal to make the supplement available for ftp?
Would someone from SCO please comment. 

	If this is allowable, it would be very nice for some kind soul in the
US to make them available by this means solely as a dissemination aid and to
speed up turnaround for those of us not in the States.
			Cheers and thanks,
Glenn Geers                       | "So when it's over, we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics |  Just to prove that human touch can have
The University of Sydney          |  no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia         |  - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'

kevin@utekza.UUCP (Kevin Gribble) (08/03/90)

In article <1990Jul31.153316.9304@nshore.uucp> uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve (Stephen J. Walick) writes:
%As quoted from <8482@scorn.sco.COM> by rosso@sco.COM (Ross Oliver):
%| Please direct all inquiries to support@sco.com
%| ------------------------------------------------------------
%| The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) Technical Support Department has developed 
%| a new Support Level Supplement (SLS) xnx155b, the SCO XENIX 386 2.3 
%| Maintenance Supplement UFM Release 2.1, ....
%| The phone number for sosco is (408) 425-3502 for 2400 baud modem and
%| (408) 429-1786 for Telebit Trailblazer modem....
%I have tried to obtain the files mentioned, and, though I do get a
%"CONNECT" with "sosco", a "login" is impossible since Friday of the
%past week (July 27 thru July 31).  I have tried both numbers and bps
%of 1200, 2400 (to send mail), 9600 and 19200 PEP (TBIT).  The best
%possible result was a "login" at 2400 (@ (408) 425-3502) only to get
%a "WRONG MACHINE NAME - failed" back (from the output).  **SOMETHNG
%SEEMS TO BE A-WRONG WITH "SOSCO"**  [ I have both 'email'ed and down-
%loaded SLS files several times in the past! ]
%[ "uutry" outputs available upon request ]  ** HELP **
%If reply is deemed necessary, reply to "uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve".
%Thank you....
%Steve Walick
%Data Phone:  (216) 942-1118 Telebit T-1000 @ 96/24/1200 baud at 8, N, 1

As far as I know you need setup for "sosco" login in your Systems file in 
/usr/lib/uucp. If you are running SCO UNIX/XENIX, have a look in the Systems
file and it will tell how to set it up. I'm not to sure about E-Mailing them

Kevin Gribble

rosso@sco.COM (Ross Oliver) (08/03/90)

In article <1990Jul31.153316.9304@nshore.uucp> uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve (Stephen J. Walick) writes:
>I have tried to obtain the files mentioned, and, though I do get a
>"CONNECT" with "sosco", a "login" is impossible since Friday of the
>past week (July 27 thru July 31).

We did have some problems with the Telebit configuration over the weekend.
This was corrected on Monday, but reoccured Tuesday morning, and was
corrected again.  As of today, Thursday, everything appears to be functioning
normally.  If anyone finds any problems like this, please call or e-mail
me directly.

Ross Oliver
Technical Support
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
rosso@sco.com or uunet!sco!rosso

ronald@robobar.co.uk (Ronald S H Khoo) (08/04/90)

In article <1990Aug1.235103.21484@metro.ucc.su.OZ.AU> glenn@extro.ucc.su.oz.au (Glenn Geers) writes:

> Hi,
>	I wonder if it's legal to make the supplement available for ftp?
> Would someone from SCO please comment. 

Actually, it might not be a bad idea if SCO got UUNET to put them all up
like the sun-fixes are.  Rosso, you there ?

Connecting to sosco can be difficult at times and the load average on
that machine can feel terrible even over UUCP :-)
Eunet: Ronald.Khoo@robobar.Co.Uk  Phone: +44 81 991 1142  Fax: +44 81 998 8343
Paper: Robobar Ltd. 22 Wadsworth Road, Perivale, Middx., UB6 7JD ENGLAND.

rogerk@sco.COM (Roger Knopf 5502) (08/07/90)

In article <1990Aug1.235103.21484@metro.ucc.su.OZ.AU> glenn@extro.ucc.su.oz.au (Glenn Geers) writes:
>	I wonder if it's legal to make the supplement available for ftp?
>Would someone from SCO please comment. 
>	If this is allowable, it would be very nice for some kind soul in the
>US to make them available by this means solely as a dissemination aid and to
>speed up turnaround for those of us not in the States.

We do have distributors in Australia and you should be able to get
this supplement from one of them. As for legal to ftp, I don't know.

Roger Knopf                                      <standard disclaimer applies>
SCO Consulting Services			    "If your controller will talk to a
uunet!sco!rogerk  or  rogerk@sco.com        cow pie, we can store data on your 
408-425-7222 (voice) 408-458-4227 (fax)     cow pie."       --Scott Deardorff