shevett@mccc.uucp (Dave Shevett) (08/14/90)
Grrrr. Ok - I get a new motherboard for my system, install my ESDI drive, Ethernet board, etc, and boot up. Works great for the first 2 hours, then shuts down. I try to reboot. I get the opening screen (SCO Xenix 2.3.1 (c) etc etc etc), and it lists out my hardware. So far so good. I get the kernel sizes, max user size, and then it gets to the ABCDEFGH diagnostics. It locks up at S. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT S IS? The manuals say 'If the diagnostics fail at some point, it indicates a hardware problem. Fix the problem and restart the system.' Thanks guys. So, any help from the Net.WorldatLarge? (note - DOS boots ok, and none of the hardware is affecting it - video, HD ctrler, WD8003, all don't make a diff. - motherboard is brand X type, with advanced AMI bios setup routines, C&T chipset, XT form factor, 20 mghz (goes to 24, actually). /--------------------+ +----------------------\ | Dave Shevett | "The shortest distance | Labyrinth II BBS | | Lawrenceveille, NJ | between two puns is a | (609) 584-8774 | | shevett@mccc.UUCP | straight line..." | 12/24/19200 PEP 24hrs| \--------------------+ - Doc Webster +----------------------/