[comp.unix.xenix] Problems with DIGIBOARD PC/4

jpp@ddmi.com (John Palmer) (08/17/90)

I'm running SCO Xenix 2.3.2 on a AT clone (386/20MHz) and I have a 
DIGIBOARD PC/4 (4 ports, dumb controller chips).

I'm having some problems with this setup:

1> Sometimes, when someone hangs up, the modem is left in such a state
that it will not answer the phone until it is power-cycled. The RD (rcv data)
and SD (send data) lights remain on and the modem will not answer the phone.

2> Many times, output gets garbled, especially right before a read operation.

I have heard that the I/O chips on this board can be replaced by more
"intelligent" chips. Is this the case, and if so, what is the part 
number of the intelligent chip.

On a related topic, is there anyway to flush typeahead in Xenix?? I am
using the Xenix equivalent of cbreak() (by setting various flags with 
ioctl()). fflush(stdin) doesn't seem to work, although it doesn't return
an error code. 

Thanks ahead of time.

=  CAT-TALK Conferencing Network, Prototype Computer Conferencing System  =
-  1-800-825-3069, 300/1200/2400/9600 baud, 8/N/1. New users use 'new'    - 
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